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Django ModelForm: Insert blank choice into many form fields(Django ModelForm:在多个表单域中插入空白选项)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 12:26:17 30 4
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In order to be sure I force users to pick a valid value from a dropdown (rather than unknowingly leaving the first option in the list set without changing it to the correct value), I am inserting the blank choice field in many required form fields.


class MyModel(models.Model):
gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, null=True, blank=False, choices=GENDER_CHOICES, default='')

Original (Explicitly defining the form field. This works.)


from django.db.models.fields import BLANK_CHOICE_DASH
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
gender = forms.TypedChoiceField(required=True, choices=BLANK_CHOICE_DASH+MyModel._meta.get_field('gender').choices)
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = '__all__'

Now, because I am doing this for many fields, I tried to revise my earlier code in


Revised (Setting the choices in __init__(). Does not work.)


class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for type in ('gender', ...):
self.fields[type].choices.insert(0, (u'',u'---------' ))
# Not needed anymore.. replaced by code in __init__()
# gender = forms.TypedChoiceField(required=True, choices=BLANK_CHOICE_DASH+MyModel._meta.get_field('gender').choices)
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = '__all__'

In this case, I do not get the dashes as the first choice in the dropdown.


I tried to look into the problem by using pdb in the template to inspect the form field right before it was outputted. The debugger shows element.field.choices to be (u'', u'---------'), ('f', 'Female'), ...] in both cases. Nevertheless, the code that outputs the form field inserts the dashes only in the original code, not in the revised code.


I tried stepping through the Django code that renders the form field to figure out if it was using some other field besides .choices that I'm not aware of, but I never stepped into the right part of the code.


How can I accomplish this? Although it works fine the first way, the revised code is much more DRY. If only I could make it work!



Is there a reason you aren't just using the built-in empty_label?


@solarissmoke Because the empty choice isn't showing up by default because of the way the model is written. Hence the need to force in the empty choice.



This appears to be a bug in ChoiceWidget.__deepcopy__().


These work:


# self.fields[name].choices.insert(0, (u'', u'---------'))
self.fields[name].widget.choices.insert(0, (u'', u'---------'))
# or
self.fields[name].choices = BLANK_CHOICE_DASH + self.fields[name].choices


TypedChoiceField.choices, inherited from ChoiceField, is a property:


class TypedChoiceField(ChoiceField):

class ChoiceField(Field):

def _get_choices(self):
return self._choices

def _set_choices(self, value):
# Setting choices also sets the choices on the widget.
# ...
if callable(value):
value = CallableChoiceIterator(value)
value = list(value)

self._choices = self.widget.choices = value

choices = property(_get_choices, _set_choices)

  • _set_choices() assigns self.widget.choices in addition to self._choices.

    • The widget choices is the one used in the rendering.

    • The widget choices is supposed to be the same instance as that in the field.

The field and widget are deepcopy'ed as follows:


class ChoiceField(Field):
widget = Select

def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
result = super().__deepcopy__(memo)
result._choices = copy.deepcopy(self._choices, memo)
return result

class Select(ChoiceWidget):

class ChoiceWidget(Widget):

def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
obj = copy.copy(self)
obj.attrs = self.attrs.copy()
obj.choices = copy.copy(self.choices)
memo[id(self)] = obj
return obj

  • ChoiceWidget.__deepcopy__() does not memoize the copy of self.choices.

    • The copy of choices is then unavailable to the deepcopy in ChoiceField.

    • The widget choices is no longer the same instance as that in the field.


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