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How to solve the error "Species labels in 'x' and 'a' need to be identical and ordered alphabetically (or simply in the same order)" in R?(如何解决R中的“x‘和’a‘中的物种标签需要相同并按字母顺序(或简单地按相同顺序)排序”的错误?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 11:49:49 46 4
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I want to compute the CWM (community weighted mean) with the function "functcomp", but I always have the same error which is "Species labels in 'x' and 'a' need to be identical and ordered alphabetically (or simply in the same order)".


Here is my code:


TablePlot <- table(data_pre$NamePlot,data_pre$Genius_Species)
MatrixSpPlot <- as.matrix(TablePlot)
DFSpEV <- data.frame(data_pre[,c(9,11,12,13,14,15)])
DFSpEV <- aggregate(x = DFSpEV[,c(2,3,4,5,6)], by = list(DFSpEV$Genius_Species), FUN = mean, na.rm = T)
colnames(DFSpEV) <- c("Genius_Species","Soil_humidity","Soil_pH","Soil_nutrients","Light","Temperature")
functcomp(DFSpEV,MatrixSpPlot,CWM.type = c("dom"), bin.num = NULL)

In this code, I created a species presence/absence matrix for each site (MatrixSpPlot), and then I created a dataframe DFSpEV containing all species and their ecological indicator values (temperature, light, pH, soil nutrients and soil humidity), and I aggregated repeating species.


I don't understand this error, I tried to verify my data, the species are in the same order and are identical between my matrix and my data frame. What I have doubts about is the way I've created my matrix.


Can you help me please? Thank you so much!



My answer is a formalization of steps I'd recommend, even though you say you checked them. The final note about spelling and case-sens is important, you might not see it easily but the expressions in the answer should help figure out which one(s) is/are different. If this still does not help resolve it for you, I suggest you make your question more reproducible by adding sample data, see: , minimal reproducible example, and for discussions on using dput to add unambiguous sample data to your question. Thanks, and welcome to SO!

我的答案是将我推荐的步骤正规化,即使你说你检查了它们。关于拼写和大小写的最后一点很重要,你可能不容易看懂,但答案中的表达应该有助于找出哪个(S)是不同的。如果这仍然不能帮助您解决问题,我建议您通过添加样本数据来使您的问题更具重复性,有关使用dput向问题添加明确的样本数据的讨论,请参阅,Minimum Reducable Example,和。谢谢,欢迎来到So!


Looking at the code for that function, specifically at


s.x <- dim(x)[1]
s.a <- dim(a)[2]
if (s.x != s.a) stop("Different number of species in 'x' and 'a'.","\n")
if (any(x.n != a.n) ) stop("Species labels in 'x' and 'a' need to be identical and ordered alphabetically (or simply in the same order).","\n")

my guess is that your row names of x and column names of a must not only contain all the same names, but also be in the same order.


Some possible checks to resolve your issue, where names in one that are not in the other will either need to be removed from the one or added (if data can be found) in the other.


rownames(DFSpEV) # should be not-empty
colnames(a) # same

# this shows rows in `a` that are not present in `x`
setdiff(rownames(DFSpEV), colnames(MatrixSpPlot))
# ditto, in reverse
setdiff(colnames(MatrixSpPlot), rownames(DFSpEV))

If the two setdiffs are empty, then you have them all, and this next command is likely failing in at least two locations:


rownames(DFSpEV) == colnames(MatrixSpPlot)

One way that should resolve this is to make sure we use only those rownames/column-names that are present in both, and use the same order for both arguments:


nms <- intersect(rownames(DFSpEV), colnames(MatrixSpPlot))
functcomp(DFSpEV[nms,], MatrixSpPlot[,nms], CWM.type = c("dom"), bin.num = NULL)

Using nms here has the effect of removing species that are in one and not the other, and ensuring all remaining species are in the same order.


Another thing to consider: spelling and capitalization. The strict test of != does not tolerate change in order, spelling, upper/lower-case, and even (I have no idea about your data) locale/unicode/UTF differences.



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