I have a table that has flight data in mysql. Im writing a php code that will group and display the data in groups using codeigniter 3
我有一个表,其中包含MySQL中的航班数据。我正在编写一个php代码,它将使用codeigniter 3分组并显示数据。
journey_id air_id FlightDuration out_or_in flightduration2
1 1 20hr 5min outbound 1205
2 1 20hr 5min outbound 1300
3 1 17hr 55min inbound 2258
4 1 17hr 55min inbound 1075
5 2 31hr 40min outbound 1970
6 2 31hr 40min outbound 1900
7 2 17hr 55min inbound 2223
8 2 17hr 55min inbound 1987
9 3 10hr 45min outbound 645
10 3 11hr 25min inbound 685
im using a $this->db->get()
to retrieve the data and i can easily loop through. but since each row is in array im finding it difficult to group them. i cannot use the mysql group coz i need each row.
for an example i want to display the items as below
air_id - 1
20hr 5min outbound 1205
20hr 5min outbound 1300
17hr 55min inbound 2258
17hr 55min inbound 1075
air_id - 2
31hr 40min outbound 1970
31hr 40min outbound 1900
17hr 55min inbound 2223
17hr 55min inbound 1987
air_id - 3
10hr 45min outbound 645
11hr 25min inbound 685
what would be the best way to group the result by the air_id
so i can iterate through
Fetch the data from the database:
$this->db->select('journey_id, air_id, FlightDuration, out_or_in, flightduration2');
$this->db->from('your_table_name'); // Replace 'your_table_name' with the actual table name
$query = $this->db->get();
$data = $query->result_array();
Create an empty array to hold the grouped data:
$grouped_data = array();
Iterate through the fetched data and group it by air_id:
foreach ($data as $row) {
$air_id = $row['air_id'];
// Check if the air_id already exists in the grouped_data array
if (!isset($grouped_data[$air_id])) {
// If not, initialize an empty array for this air_id
$grouped_data[$air_id] = array();
// Add the current row to the group for this air_id
$grouped_data[$air_id][] = $row;
Now, you have the data grouped by air_id in the $grouped_data array. You can iterate through this array to display the data as you specified:
foreach ($grouped_data as $air_id => $group) {
echo "air_id - $air_id<br>";
foreach ($group as $row) {
echo $row['FlightDuration'] . ' ' . $row['out_or_in'] . ' ' . $row['flightduration2'] . '<br>';
echo "<br>";
This code will loop through the grouped data and display it as you described, with each group of flight data under the corresponding air_id.