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How do I more properly utilize useEffect and useFrame to calculate this n-body simulation?(如何更正确地使用useEffect和useFrame来计算此n-Body模拟?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 11:03:46 33 4
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I have been working on a brute force approach for a n-body simulation based on this exercise I stumbled upon:

The code somewhat ""works"" and is available on my github:


My main questions

Is my use of setInterval inside the useEffect proper?
Where should I perform my calculations?
How do I synchronize my calculation between the useEffect and the useFrame hook?
Is there anything particularly bad with the way I am doing things?


An overview of how things work:

I have defined the functions used to calculate the pairwise force between two objects, and the directional acceleration for an object:




export type Coordinate = [x: number, y: number, z: number];
export interface Particle {
name: string;
position: Coordinate;
color: string;
size: number;
mass: number;
velocity: Coordinate;
netForces: Coordinate;
acceleration: Coordinate;

export function pairwiseForce(
G: number,
particle1: Particle,
particle2: Particle
) {
const distanceSquared =
((particle2.position[0] - particle1.position[0]) ** 2 +
(particle2.position[1] - particle1.position[1]) ** 2 +
(particle2.position[2] - particle1.position[2]) ** 2) **
const x =
((G * (particle1.mass * particle2.mass)) / distanceSquared) *
(particle2.position[0] - particle1.position[0] / distanceSquared);
const y =
((G * (particle1.mass * particle2.mass)) / distanceSquared) *
(particle2.position[1] - particle1.position[1] / distanceSquared);
const z =
((G * (particle1.mass * particle2.mass)) / distanceSquared) *
(particle2.position[2] - particle1.position[2] / distanceSquared);
return {
x: x,
y: y,
z: z,

export function acceleration(netForces: Coordinate, m: number) {
const ax = netForces[0] / m;
const ay = netForces[1] / m;
const az = netForces[2] / m;
return {
ax: ax,
ay: ay,
az: az,

I then use these formulas to compute the position of the objects inside of a useEffect.
The shape of the Objects:


const particle1: Particle = {
name: "particle1",
position: [0, 0, 12],
color: "blue",
mass: 100,
size: 1,
velocity: [1, 1, 1],
netForces: [0, 0, 0],
acceleration: [0, 0, 0],

The useEffect with a setInterval. I am sure I am breaking a lot of best practices and I would appreciate feedback on my use of the React api.
Also, I am not quite sure my numerical integration is proper, but that's something I can look up elsewhere.

使用setInterval的Use Effect。我确信我违反了许多最佳实践,我希望得到有关我使用Reaction API的反馈。此外,我不太确定我的数值积分是否正确,但这是我可以在其他地方查找的东西。



useEffect(() => {
const positionTracker = setInterval(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
const netForces: Coordinate = [0, 0, 0];

for (let j = 0; j < particles.length; j++) {
if (i == j) {
const { x, y, z } = pairwiseForce(
netForces[0] += x;
netForces[1] += y;
netForces[2] += z;
// 1 - Calculate velocity at t+delta/2
// acceleration t
const { ax, ay, az } = acceleration(netForces, particles[i].mass);

// velocity at t - delta/2 (for initial velocity of 1 then 0.5?) initial velocity * 0.25
const vMinusDeltaX = particles[i].velocity[0] / 2;
const vMinusDeltaY = particles[i].velocity[1] / 2;
const vMinusDeltaZ = particles[i].velocity[2] / 2;
// vfd/2 = vpd/2 * at
const vPlusDeltaX = vMinusDeltaX + ax;
const vPlusDeltaY = vMinusDeltaY + ay;
const vPlusDeltaZ = vMinusDeltaZ + az;

// 2 - Calculate Position of Particule based on vfd/2
produce((draft) => {
draft[i].netForces = [netForces[0], netForces[1], netForces[2]];
draft[i].position = [
particles[i].position[0] + vPlusDeltaX,
particles[i].position[1] + vPlusDeltaY,
particles[i].position[2] + vPlusDeltaZ,
draft[i].velocity = [
particles[i].velocity[0] + vPlusDeltaX,
particles[i].velocity[1] + vPlusDeltaY,
particles[i].velocity[2] + vPlusDeltaZ,
}, 1000);
return () => clearInterval(positionTracker);

I pass the newly computed position of the objects to react-three-fiber components.


 return (
<Canvas shadows camera={{ position: [0, 20, 0], far: 10000 }}>
<ambientLight />
<directionalLight position={[0, 0, 5]} color={"white"} />
<Physics gravity={[0, 50, 0]}>
{ => (
<Node key={} id={} particle={particle} />
<OrbitControls makeDefault />

And then use the data inside the useFrame hook from the react-three-cannon library.




interface NodeProps {
id: string;
particle: Particle;

export default function Node(props: NodeProps) {
const { id, particle } = props;
const [ref, api] = useSphere(() => ({
mass: 1,
args: [particle.size],
position: particle.position,
useFrame(() => {
return (
<mesh ref={ref as React.RefObject<Mesh<BufferGeometry>>} key={id}>
<sphereGeometry />
<meshStandardMaterial color={particle.color} />

I am aware that it is not a good idea to mutate state inside of for loops, but I am failing to see another way around.


I tried to play with instancedMesh for the objects, but I failed to see how I could have more control over the specific properties of each object (color, mass, velocity etc).



You are using the immer produce() to generate a new state. You make all mutations inside the produce() callback by "mutating" the old state (particles), and getting a new state, which you then set.

您正在使用immer Product()来生成一个新状态。通过“突变”旧状态(粒子)并获得一个新状态(然后设置),您可以在Product()回调中进行所有的突变。

We can extract the entire update function (updateParticles), because it's not dependent on outside data. Since you're currying the producer, it returns a function that will be called with the base state. You can do all the loops inside this function. You can now use the function as the updater function of useState.


const updateParticles = produce((particles: Particle[]) => {
for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
const netForces: Coordinate = [0, 0, 0];
for (let j = 0; j < particles.length; j++) {
if (i == j) continue;
const { x, y, z } = pairwiseForce(
netForces[0] += x;
netForces[1] += y;
netForces[2] += z;
// 1 - Calculate velocity at t+delta/2
// acceleration t
const { ax, ay, az } = acceleration(netForces, particles[i].mass);

// velocity at t - delta/2 (for initial velocity of 1 then 0.5?) initial velocity * 0.25
const vMinusDeltaX = particles[i].velocity[0] / 2;
const vMinusDeltaY = particles[i].velocity[1] / 2;
const vMinusDeltaZ = particles[i].velocity[2] / 2;
// vfd/2 = vpd/2 * at
const vPlusDeltaX = vMinusDeltaX + ax;
const vPlusDeltaY = vMinusDeltaY + ay;
const vPlusDeltaZ = vMinusDeltaZ + az;

// 2 - Calculate Position of Particule based on vfd/2
particles[i].netForces = [netForces[0], netForces[1], netForces[2]];
particles[i].position = [
particles[i].position[0] + vPlusDeltaX,
particles[i].position[1] + vPlusDeltaY,
particles[i].position[2] + vPlusDeltaZ,
particles[i].velocity = [
particles[i].velocity[0] + vPlusDeltaX,
particles[i].velocity[1] + vPlusDeltaY,
particles[i].velocity[2] + vPlusDeltaZ,

Your useEffect doesn't have a dependency array currently, which means that it's executed on every render (when particles are updated). This means that the cleanup function is called, and a new interval is created. You're actually using setInterval as setState.


Since the state update is not dependent on the particles state, because it's passed to the updatedPrticles from setParticles, you can set an empty dependency array ([]) to useEffect, and the interval would only be cleared when the component unmounts:


export function App() {
const [particles, setParticles] = useState<Particle[]>([]);

useEffect(() => {
const positionTracker = setInterval(() => {
setParticles(updateParticles); // use the updater function
}, 1000);

return () => clearInterval(positionTracker);
}, []);

return (

An alternative is to use setTimeout, and let the change in particles triggers the useEffect, and starts a new step:


export function App() {
const [particles, setParticles] = useState<Particle[]>([]);

useEffect(() => {
const positionTracker = setTimeout(() => {
setParticles(updateParticles(particles)); // create new state and update
}, 1000);

return () => clearTimeout(positionTracker);
}, [particles]);

return (

I'm not familiar enough with React Three Fiber, so I can't help you with that.

我对Reaction Three Fibre还不够熟悉,所以我帮不了你。


Hey, thanks for your answer. I learned some good practices and good tips. I am encountering an issue with the setInterval in the useEffect tho: despite me trying to catch the current value of particles it is still using a stale one. jsx const positionTracker = setInterval(() => { setParticles((particles) => updateParticles(particles)); }, 1000); I have updated the updateParticles appropriately jsx const updateParticles = <T extends Particle[]>(prevState: T) => produce(prevState, (draft) => {...} It works perfectly for two other repro I set up.

嘿,谢谢你的回答。我学到了一些好的做法和好的提示。我在Use Effect tho中遇到了setInterval的问题:尽管我试图捕捉粒子的当前值,但它仍然使用过时的粒子。JSX常量位置跟踪器=setInterval(()=>{set颗粒物((粒子)=>更新颗粒物(粒子);},1000);我已经相应地更新了更新颗粒物JSX常量更新颗粒物=(PrevState:T)=>Product(PrevState,(Draft)=>{...}它非常适用于设置的另外两个reproI。

The updated particles is passed by setParticles, add a console.log(particles) to the body of the component (not inside useEffect), and see if it actually changes. Calling setParticles(updateParticles) is enough, because it's a function that accepts a particles state. No need to wrap it in an arrow function.


Also see 2nd option by using setTimeout().


For me it seems to be stuck with stale data from the first useEffect run. Like my specific project refuses to update correctly, my other test repos work with the pattern you presented.


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