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Why is my grid not redrawen when the camera moves?(为什么当相机移动时,我的网格没有重新绘制?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 10:40:08 26 4
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I tried to make an infinite grid in godot and I don't understand why this isn't working.
When the camera moves, the grid moves in the other direction (which is normal) but doesn't redraw lines to the correct position.


this is my code:


extends Node2D

const cell_size = 64

func _draw():
var viewport_size = get_viewport_rect().size

var camera_position: Vector2
if has_node("Camera2D"): camera_position = get_viewport().get_camera_2d().position
else: camera_position = viewport_size / 2

var vertical = Vector2i(camera_position.x - viewport_size.x / 2, camera_position.x + viewport_size.x / 2)
var horizontal = Vector2i(camera_position.y - viewport_size.y / 2, camera_position.y + viewport_size.y / 2)

for x in range(vertical.x - cell_size, vertical.y + cell_size, cell_size):
draw_line(Vector2(x, horizontal.x), Vector2(x, horizontal.y), Color.WHITE)

for y in range(horizontal.x - cell_size, horizontal.y + cell_size, cell_size):
draw_line(Vector2(vertical.x, y), Vector2(vertical.y, y), Color.WHITE)

func _process(_delta):

and I just want for my grid to be infinite.



Can't write an answer now, but: you are mixing coordinate systems. The Camera2D position is on the local coordinates of its parent, the draw instructions work in local coordinates of your Node2D, plus the Viewport coordinates are also different. I suggest you use the global_position of the Camera and use to_local to get it on Node2D local coordinates, I don't know of the top of my head what to do with the Viewport coordinates, but they would be an issue if the Node2D has rotation or scaling. This might help:


I'll try, thanks.



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