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Spring MVC Java why are extra request params being added to my url?(Spring MVC Java为什么要向我的url添加额外的请求参数?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 10:36:28 26 4
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I have a website, called I have a form which looks like this:


<form:form method="get" id="profileForm" modelAttribute="profile" onsubmit="updateFormAction()">
<form:label path="username">Name</form:label>
<form:input path="username" id="usernameInput"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

function updateFormAction() {
var username = document.getElementById("usernameInput").value;
var form = document.getElementById("profileForm");
form.action = "/profile/" + username;

What the form url should look like is this:


However, it is processing it as


This is my web controller mapping method:


@GetMapping ("/profile/{username}")
public String profile(@PathVariable("username") String name, Model model, RestTemplate restTemplate) throws JsonProcessingException {

When I set <form method="post" it works. However, I do not want this behaviour, as I can only post that url through that form. I want to be able to search it via a link instead.


I have tried @ModelAttribute("username") String username, however the url looks like


Any ideas how I can fix this? Should I not be using a form, but a button onsubmit parameter instead?



You should send the request through JS not modify the form action. Because the GET will always add the parameters to the URL. So instead of rewriting the URL in the form you should be using fetch to send the request (and return false from your JS function to prevent the default from happening).



If you don't pass any parameter in the url then you should not submit the form. Just return false from the onsubmit function. This will prevent form submission or use a button type="button" with onclick event handler. Then use redirect directly to the url specified.


function updateFormAction() {
var username = document.getElementById("usernameInput").value;
window.location.href = "/profile/" + username;
return false;

Why are you adding username in path variable ?
I think you can remove onSubmit attribute and for action add /profile and make your http verb to post in form and controller .
You can create an object called profile that has a field called username;
In your controller in inputs add

为什么要在PATH变量中添加用户名?我认为您可以删除onSubmit属性和for action添加/配置文件,并使您的http动词在表单和控制器中发布。您可以创建一个名为Profile的对象,该对象有一个名为UserName的字段;在您的控制器中的Inputs中添加

@ModelAttribute("profile") Profile profile;

then you can get username in profile sth like this :


@PostMapping ("/profile")
public String profile(@ModelAttribute("profile") Profile profile) {


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I have tried this already, however with POST requests I can only access a resource from the form itself, not from a link.


With a post it doesn't matter if it is a request parameter or a form parameter it will bind either way.


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