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TypeError:unsupported format string passed to function .__format__(TypeError:传递给函数的格式字符串不受支持。__FORMAT__)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 10:37:40 34 4
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Working on jupyter notebooks, I came across this problem:


TypeError:unsupported format string passed to function .__format__

This is where the code starts:


def evaluate_preds(y_true, y_preds):
Performs Evaluation comp on y_true labels and y_preds labels on a classification
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true,y_preds)
precision = precision_score(y_true,y_preds)
recall = recall_score(y_true,y_preds)
f1 = f1_score(y_true,y_preds)
metric_dict = {"accuracy": round(accuracy,2),
"precision": round(precision,2),
"recall": round(recall,2),
"f1": round(f1,2)}

print(f"Accuracy :{ accuracy_score*100:.2f}%")
print(f"Precision :{ precision_score:.2f}")
print(f"Recall :{ recall_score:.2f}")
print(f"F1 :{ f1_score:.2f}")

return metric_dict

This below code is being run on a different cell in jupyter notebook


from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier


heart_disease_shuffled= heart_disease.sample(frac=1)

X= heart_disease_shuffled.drop("target",axis =1)
y = heart_disease_shuffled["target"]

train_split = round(0.7 * len(heart_disease_shuffled))
valid_split = round(train_split + 0.15 * len(heart_disease_shuffled))

X_train,y_train = X[:train_split], y[:train_split]
X_valid,y_valid = X[train_split:valid_split], y[train_split:valid_split]

X_test,y_test = X[valid_split:], y[:valid_split]

clf = RandomForestClassifier(),y_train)

# Make Baseline preds

y_preds = clf.predict(X_valid)

# Evaluate classifier on validation set

baseline_metrics = evaluate_preds(y_valid, y_preds)

How can I resolve it?


Tried changing the parameters and a bunch of other things but all of them popped up some errors like the one listed above



There should have been a full traceback message showing the line where this code failed. If so, post it in the question as another code block.


Try print(type(x), x) for each of your print lines.


I haven't spotted exactly where this happens in your code, but basically you are trying to format a function object with a format specifier. Suppose i def foo(): pass. And then I try f"my data {foo:.2f}". I'm trying to format function "foo" with a float specifier. And that doesn't make sense. As @jwal suggested, find the failing line then print the types of each of the formated parameters.


Where exactly? Please post the full error trace - see how to create a minimal reproducible example

具体在哪里?请发布完整的错误跟踪-请参阅How to Create a Minimum Replexable Example


You are trying to print functions instead of the values they return. For instance, you assign


accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true,y_preds)

but then try to format the function, not the result


f"Accuracy :{ accuracy_score*100:.2f}%"

Instead, you should use the calculated value


f"Accuracy :{ accuracy*100:.2f}%"

But you've also created a dictionary with rounded values. You could use that dictionary with an f-string or use the .format method instead


f"Accuracy :{ metric_dict['accuracy']:.2f}"
# -- or --
"Accuracy : {accuracy:.2f}".format(**metric_dict)

Here's the updated/ working version,


import pandas as pd

def evaluate_preds(y_true, y_preds):
Performs Evaluation comp on y_true labels and y_preds labels on a classification
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true,y_preds)
precision = precision_score(y_true,y_preds)
recall = recall_score(y_true,y_preds)
f1 = f1_score(y_true,y_preds)
metric_dict = {"accuracy": round(accuracy,2),
"precision": round(precision,2),
"recall": round(recall,2),
"f1": round(f1,2)}

print(f"Accuracy :{ accuracy *100:.2f}%")
print(f"Precision :{ precision:.2f}")
print(f"Recall :{ recall:.2f}")
print(f"F1 :{ f1:.2f}")
return metric_dict

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier


heart_disease_shuffled= heart_disease.sample(frac=1)

X= heart_disease_shuffled.drop("target",axis =1)
y = heart_disease_shuffled["target"]

train_split = round(0.7 * len(heart_disease_shuffled))
valid_split = round(train_split + 0.15 * len(heart_disease_shuffled))

X_train,y_train = X[:train_split], y[:train_split]
X_valid,y_valid = X[train_split:valid_split], y[train_split:valid_split]

X_test,y_test = X[valid_split:], y[:valid_split]

clf = RandomForestClassifier(),y_train)

# Make Baseline preds
y_preds = clf.predict(X_valid)
# Evaluate classifier on validation set
baseline_metrics = evaluate_preds(y_valid, y_preds)


Thanks @tdelaney for your kind feedback Changed it to the actual accuracy , precision and got my answer Btw the reason i was using accuracy_score was that the instructor used the same things and got the result but changed these parameters after sometime and I skipped through it & I was just copying him after I got error in my own code cuz I've just started learning Machine Learning Really sorry for all the inconvenience


As posted, this does not work. Indentation matters. Please clarify what you've changed


The indentation in the 1st code is correct I've just changed the thing accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score to the actual accuracy, precision, as posted by someone in the print statements in between the {} brackets


I've fixed the indentation for you. Please edit if not correct.


Thanks mate, I couldn't correct the indentation cuz when I copied and pasted the same as posted above I got the result in my Jupyter Notebook, So I thought the indentation is correct. Really appreciate your helping hand and cooperation :)


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