I have a df where the last row is the median.
geo_code 1 2 3 ... 114 115 116
1 228 801 - 2 457 600 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN
1228801 - 2457600 305.0 104.0 74.0 ... 6.0 251.0 15.0
153601 - 307200 2028.0 2330.0 2341.0 ... 153.0 2256.0 1149.0
153 801 - 307 600 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN
19201 - 38400 408.0 642.0 505.0 ... 2215.0 659.0 1006.0
19 601 - 38 200 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN
1 - 4800 28.0 38.0 31.0 ... 497.0 80.0 106.0
geo_code 1 2 3 ... 114 115 116
9601 - 19200 167.0 401.0 237.0 ... 1551.0 476.0 583.0
9601 - 19 600 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN
median 408.0 627.0 505.0 ... 497.0 659.0 494.0
I need the index (the row) of the median please. How do I return the row that matches the last value in a column?
So the median
of column 1
, which is 408
, will return: 19201 - 38400
You can find the median row using .tail(1).squeeze()
and then iterate through the columns, finding the row index where the median value is located. Then a dictionary median_rows
stores the row indices of the median values for each column. Note that the .index[0]
part in (income[column_name] == median_value
) extracts the index (row number) of the first row where the condition is met, assuming that there is only one median value per column.
# Calculate the median row for each column
median_row = income.tail(1).squeeze()
# Iterate through columns and find the row with the median value
median_rows = {}
for column_name, median_value in median_row.items():
median_rows[column_name] = income[income[column_name] == median_value].index[0]
# Print
for column_name, median_index in median_rows.items():
print(f"Median of column {column_name}: {median_row[column_name]} is in row {median_index}")
IIUC, you can use idxmax
df.loc[df.iloc[:-1, 1:].eq(df.iloc[-1, 1:], axis=1).idxmax(), 'geo_code']
4 19201 - 38400
0 1 228 801 - 2 457 600
4 19201 - 38400
6 1 - 4800
4 19201 - 38400
0 1 228 801 - 2 457 600
Name: geo_code, dtype: object
If geo_code
is the Index, you can simplify to:
out = df.iloc[:-1].eq(df.iloc[-1], axis=1).idxmax()
And if you can have no-matches for some columns you further need to mask:
m = df.iloc[:-1].eq(df.iloc[-1], axis=1)
1 19201 - 38400
2 NaN
3 19201 - 38400
114 1 - 4800
115 19201 - 38400
116 NaN
dtype: object
can be simplified to income.iloc[-1]
In OP's df, geo_code
is the index. That lets you simplify to df.iloc[:-1].eq(df.iloc[-1], axis=1).idxmax()
or df.loc[df.index != 'median'].eq(df.loc['median'], ...
, with the result being indexed by column instead of by row.
It's worth noting that the data in the question is incomplete, so the two results at row 0 are incorrect.
@wjandrea good point, I assumed this was a column but the formatting suggests it could be otherwise. I included other options and showed how to mask the values should there be no match