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How much space does the Homebrew new installation take up?(新安装的HomeBrew会占用多大空间?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 09:15:59 28 4
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This ought to be a really simple question, yet apart from the disparate "Receiving objects" line items that show up in the terminal installation (MacOS Big Sur), I'm not seeing anything about this online or from Homebrew itself. Most Google searches for "how much space does Homebrew take up" point me towards the "brew cleanup" command or questions asking about how important cellar space is.

这应该是一个非常简单的问题,但除了终端安装(MacOS Big Sur)中显示的不同的“接收对象”行项目外,我在网上或Homebrew本身都没有看到任何关于这一点的东西。大多数谷歌搜索“Homebrew占据了多少空间”会让我联想到“BREW Cleanup”命令或询问酒窖空间有多重要的问题。

I'm curious about how much disk space is taken from my computer right after I've run the curl command on the Homebrew website.


From the GitHub, it looks like downloading and unpacking the zip gives me a folder of about 10mb in size -- this doesn't seem like the right size to me since the "receiving objects" lines quoted me at least 300mb of objects were being downloaded (although I don't know enough about git's download process to know what's going on here)

从GitHub上看,下载并解压缩压缩包给了我一个大约10MB大小的文件夹--对我来说,这个大小似乎不太合适,因为“Receiving Objects”行引用给我的是至少300MB的下载对象(尽管我对Git的下载过程知之甚少,无法知道这里发生了什么)。


This is actually an interesting question. I just did a exploration of my local homebrew installation.


$ du -h -d 2 .
4.0K ./bin
44K ./completions/bash
104K ./completions/zsh
132K ./completions/fish
288K ./completions
1.3G ./Library/Taps
106M ./Library/Homebrew
1.4G ./Library
32K ./docs/vale-styles
236K ./docs/assets
896K ./docs
104K ./manpages
48K ./.github/workflows
12K ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
76K ./.github
84M ./.git/objects
24K ./.git/info
148K ./.git/logs
48K ./.git/hooks
100K ./.git/refs
85M ./.git
8.0K ./.vscode
4.0K ./.sublime
1.5G .

As you can see, it mainly consists of two folders (Taps and Homebrew), one is the formula/cask stuff, the other one is the core Homebrew functionality.


The core homebrew only takes about 106MB space.


On a new Monterey 12.6, I compared disk occupancy before and after Homebrew installation : Homebrew +3.0GB, brew install --cask xquartz +0.8GB. G'Day.

在新的蒙特雷12.6上,我比较了安装HomeBREW前后的磁盘占用情况:HomeBREW+3.0 GB,BREW Install--cask xQuarter+0.8 GB。你好。


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