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Marquee in Prolog(Prolog中的字幕)

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Well known from , is clearly the pinnacle of the Semantic Web. Or rather its nadir side by side with the blink tag. In any case, how can we represent marquee in Prolog? In other words, how to define a relation marquee/2 such that the following holds:


?- marquee("Prolog is marquee ready! ",M).
M = "Prolog is marquee ready! "
; M = "rolog is marquee ready! P"
; M = "olog is marquee ready! Pr"
; M = "log is marquee ready! Pro"
; M = "og is marquee ready! Prol"
; M = "g is marquee ready! Prolo"
; M = " is marquee ready! Prolog"
; M = "is marquee ready! Prolog "
; M = "s marquee ready! Prolog i"
; M = " marquee ready! Prolog is"
; M = "marquee ready! Prolog is "
; ... .
?- M=[m|_],marquee("Prolog is marquee ready! ",M).
M = "marquee ready! Prolog is "
; M = "marquee ready! Prolog is "
; M = "marquee ready! Prolog is " % infinitely many redundant answers
; ... .

So how can I define marquee/2 in ISO Prolog just using the Prolog prologue? The double quotes above assume set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars), and the answer write option max_depth(0) needs to be set to get the entire string.

那么,我如何仅使用序言来定义ISO Prolog中的marquee/2呢?上面的双引号假定SET_PROLOG_FLAG(DOUBLE_QUOTES,CHARS),并且需要设置答案写入选项max_Deep(0)以获得整个字符串。

What I have tried is member/2 but it only describes the characters and then I tried nth0/3 and nth1/3 but they only described two characters in sequence as in:


?- T = "Prolog is marquee ready! ", nth1(I,T,A),nth0(I,T,B).
T = "Prolog is marquee ready! ", I = 1, A = 'P', B = r
; T = "Prolog is marquee ready! ", I = 2, A = r, B = o
; ... .

Edit: one clarification about the repetitions. They should fit together seamlessly, as in


?- marquee("! ",M).
M = "! "
; M = " !"
; M = "! "
; M = " !"
; M = "! "
; M = " !"
; M = "! "
; M = " !"
; M = "! "
; M = " !"
; ... .


Do you prefer something usable as a single query (without any—possibly recursive—auxiliary predicates) or is that just as good as long as it is short?


Just a definition for marquee/2as small as possible...



First, hat tip to this answer and the author, @brebs.


I looked at marquee_/3 ... and append/3 looked back at me—with shuffled arguments.


So here's the minimally updated version of marquee/2:


marquee(L,M) :-
append(R,M,LD). % was: marquee_(LD,R,M)

Sample queries:


?- marquee("prolog",Xs).
Xs = "prolog"
; Xs = "rologp"
; Xs = "ologpr"
; Xs = "logpro"
; Xs = "ogprol"
; Xs = "gprolo"
; Xs = "prolog"
; Xs = "rologp"
; ... .

?- marquee("",Xs).
Xs = []
; Xs = []
; ... .

this is an alternative solution (updated after a suggestion in the comments), hope this solves the task



?- marquee("Prolog is marquee ready! ", M).
M = ['P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' '];
M = [r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P'];

?- M=[m|_],marquee("Prolog is marquee ready! ",M).
M = [m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' '];
M = [m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' '];

Im not sure this satisfy all your requisites, hope so


marquee(Ls, M):- 
length(Ls, Len),
Max is Len-1,
between(0, Max, Roll),
roll(Ls, M, Roll).

lis_pos_elem(Lis, Pos, Elem) :- nth1(Pos, Lis, Elem).

new_index(Shift, Max, I1, I2):-
I is I1 - Shift,
I < 1,
I2 is Max + I
I2 = I
), !.

R > 0,
length(L1, Len),
numlist(1, Len, Index),
maplist(new_index(R, Len), Index, ShiftedIndexes),
maplist(lis_pos_elem(L1), ShiftedIndexes, L2).

marquee("Prolog is marquee ready! ", M); true.
M = ['P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' '] ;
M = [' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !] ;
M = [!, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y] ;
M = [y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d] ;
M = [d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a] ;
M = [a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e] ;
M = [e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r] ;
M = [r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' '] ;
M = [' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e] ;
M = [e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e] ;
M = [e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u] ;
M = [u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q] ;
M = [q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r] ;
M = [r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a] ;
M = [a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m] ;
M = [m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' '] ;
M = [' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s] ;
M = [s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i] ;
M = [i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g, ' '] ;
M = [' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o, g] ;
M = [g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l, o] ;
M = [o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o, l] ;
M = [l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r, o] ;
M = [o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P', r] ;
M = [r, o, l, o, g, ' ', i, s, ' ', m, a, r, q, u, e, e, ' ', r, e, a, d, y, !, ' ', 'P'] ;

This feels fairly intuitive, but not super-short:


marquee(L, M) :-
% Convert to List-Remainder difference list
append(L, R, LD),
marquee_(LD, R, M).

marquee_(M, [], M).
% Move from head to tail
marquee_([H|T], [H|R], M) :-
marquee_(T, R, M).

Result in swi-prolog:


?- marquee([a,b,c,d], L).
L = [a, b, c, d] ;
L = [b, c, d, a] ;
L = [c, d, a, b] ;
L = [d, a, b, c] ;
L = [a, b, c, d] ;
L = [b, c, d, a] ;

I suspect there's a trick to convert that into a short DCG that I'm missing...


This is my updated answer:


marquee_right(S0, M):- 
length(S0, Len),
length(_, Roll),
Shift is Len - (Roll mod Len),
length(P1, Shift),
append(P1, P2, S0),
append(P2, P1, M).

marquee_left(S0, M):-
length(S0, Len),
length(_, Roll),
Shift is Roll mod Len,
length(P1, Shift),
append(P1, P2, S0),
append(P2, P1, M).

@damianodamiano answer seems really good and declarative, maybe my answer follow more a procedural style.
Comments and notes are appreciated.


Rolling rolling rolling ...


marquee([],[]) :- repeat, true.
marquee([H|T],X) :- m(T,R,[H|R],X).
m([H|T],[H|R],Y,X) :- m(T,R,Y,X).
m([],[H|Z],[H|R],X) :- m([],Z,R,X).



8 ?- marquee([],X).
X = [] ;
X = [] ;
X = [] ;
X = [] ;
X = [] ;
X = []

9 ?- marquee([1,2,3,4],X).
X = [1, 2, 3, 4] ;
X = [2, 3, 4, 1] ;
X = [3, 4, 1, 2] ;
X = [4, 1, 2, 3] ;
X = [1, 2, 3, 4] ;
X = [2, 3, 4, 1] ;
X = [3, 4, 1, 2] ;
X = [4, 1, 2, 3] ;
X = [1, 2, 3, 4] ;
X = [2, 3, 4, 1] ;
X = [3, 4, 1, 2] ;
X = [4, 1, 2, 3]


How/why does this guarantee the right order or results?


Perfect! Yet, its size ... And what is the purpose of the goal nth0(0,[H|T],E1)?


Absolutely useless. I've updated my answer


I said perfect, but then ?- marquee(non_marqueeable, M). M = non_marqueeable.


This is a good start! But the idea is that it produces infinitely many such solutions. Also, maybe you could reduce (in another answer) the size of the program significantly.


... just one thing is that you use numlist/3 which is not part of the Prolog prologue.


And now I see answers are enumerated in the other direction.


Updated to prevent excluding empty list.


While nice, it could be much shorter. Please try in another answer!


I suspect there's a trick: you are soo close! No DCG, just...


I was thinking that there was phrase/3 involved next, rather than another append :-)


You could always replace a goal append(A,B,C) by phrase(seq(A),C,B). And (with a lot of pain...) you could replace the first append(L,R,LD) by phrase(L,LD,R) although that really hurts (as it includes now many unwanted solutions...)


Oh, better rename marquee_left/2... Otherwise flawless as to its declarative nature. Still, the size ... six goals. Can't you narrow it down?


Nice, but quite large.


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