Just getting started with Apache Kafka (v 3.5.1), using only console for the moment.
So, I've created a topic with 3 partitions,
kafka-topics.sh --topic t_3 --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1
Then created three consumers in the same group:
kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic t_3 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group group_one
Kafka-Console-Consumer er.sh--主题t_3--引导-服务器本地主机:9092--group group_one
Then created producer:
kafka-console-producer.sh --topic t_3 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
But the group isn't balanced, as it was expected. When I produce messages, they all go to one consumer. When I stop one of the consumers, messages start to go to both consumers that are left, I mean every message received by both consumers.
I thought in this case, each consumer should receive message only from its own partition, and producer must write messages to partions by round-robin. What do I do wrong?
P.S. In Kafka log I see this phrase when adding new consumer: rebalance failed due to MemberIdRequiredException. But I can't figure out, what do I do wrong, cause all the docs and answers and videos tell, that expected behaviour with default configurations is just as what I thought it should be.
producer must write messages to partions by round-robin
How old are the docs / videos you're seeing? StickyPartitioner was added around v2.4, which changed how records are batched together in a producer , and only get sent to one partition, rather than having each message being round robined. This ultimately results in less network requests being spread out over the whole cluster. From a consumer perspective, this should be transparent as all brokers should be considered equal.
If data is only produced to one partition (you could check that too), then only that assigned consumer would read that (it shouldn't go to multiple partitions without multiple batches).
In other words, consumers in a group are rarely truly "balanced" since data is only ever written to a leader partition, and that partition could have more data sent to it than others.