I need to find the maximum minimum point of a function.
There are 2 matrices M_A
, and M_B
, where M_A < M_B
and I > M_B
(element-wise comparison), where I
is the matrix of all ones.
I need to find the maximum x
value (between 0 and 1) such that:
x*M_A+(1-x)*I >= M_B
(element-wise comparison)
To do this I am trying to find the root of the following of the following expression x*M_A+(1-x)*I - M_B
. To do this, I define a scalar function by taking the sum of all negative entries of the above expression (x*M_A+(1-x)*I - M_B
). The objective is to find the x
value such that my_f(x)=0
. However, there are infinite x
s that satisfy this condition, for example my_f(0)=0
. I would like to get the maximum x
def my_f(x):
matrix_comb = x*M_A + (1-x)*np.ones((n, n))
matrix_diff = matrix_comb - M_B
summ = 0
for i in range(0, len(matrix_diff)):
for j in range(0, len(matrix_diff)):
if matrix_diff[i,j] <= 0:
summ = summ + matrix_diff[i,j]
return -summ
my_f(scipy.optimize.fminbound(my_f, 0, 1))
The code returns 0.85. However, there are other greater x
values satisfying the conditions.
When you say that M_A < M_B
, are you referring to the element-wise comparison? Also, what is M_V
? Why are you summing the negative values?
What does x*M_A+(1-x)*I >= M_V
mean that you are performing the sum of the entries? I'm assuming M_V
is a matrix, in which case I don't know what the comparison is here and what it means for this to be satisfied.
And if you're trying to satisfy my_f(x)=0
, that is a root-finding problem, not a minimization problem. You seem to want to be doing both a maximization (to find the largest x
) and a root-finding problem (where x
is the root).
By M_A < M_B
I do mean element-wise comparison. I want the maximum x
satisfying the inequality x*M_A+(1-x)*I >= M_V
(element-wise comparison). Then, I look for the maximum x
satisfying the equality x*M_A+(1-x)*I = M_V
. Therefore, yes it's both maximization and root-finding problem
I can't help but notice that you never use M_B? Do you mean M_B every time you write M_V?
I interpret your question literally; that is, you really are looking for maximum x
subject to your inequality; I ignore everything after To do this I am.... as root-finding does not help with this goal.
import numpy as np
import scipy
rand = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
m = 13
n = 7
M_A = rand.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(m, n))
M_B = rand.uniform(low=M_A, high=1, size=(m, n))
Maximize x s.t.
0 <= x <= 1
x*M_A + (1-x)*ones >= M_B
x(MA - 1) >= MB - 1
result = scipy.optimize.milp(
c=-1, # maximize
integrality=0, # continuous
bounds=scipy.optimize.Bounds(lb=0, ub=1),
A=M_A.reshape((m*n, 1)) - 1,
lb=M_B.ravel() - 1,
assert result.success, result.message
print('x =', result.x)