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Display photos and play associated audio with python & cap touch input(使用PYTHON和CAP触摸输入显示照片和播放关联的音频)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-24 22:18:22 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

I am making what is essentially a "See and Say", but running on a Raspberry Pi. I am using an Adafruit MPR121 capacitive touch sensor to provide the "keyboard" input to control the sequential display of a set of photos, then once the desired photo is displayed, a different "key" is touched to play the associated audio, for example, scroll a list of animal photos, select the duck, then play the sound of a duck quacking.

我做的本质上是“看着说”,但运行在覆盆子圆周率。我使用Adafruit MPR121电容式触摸传感器来提供“键盘”输入,以控制一组照片的顺序显示,然后一旦显示所需的照片,就会触摸不同的“键”来播放相关音频,例如,滚动动物照片列表,选择鸭子,然后播放鸭子嘎嘎的声音。

I am using Adafruit's CircuitPython library for the MPR121 via Blinka, Pillow, and tkinter. I know little to nothing of the last two, but have managed to glom together bits of examples I found online to make something that sort of works to scroll photos.


Based on the time taken to get to that point, I want to ask here if anyone has some suggestions to keep from going down a blind alley, and to see if there is a better way than what I have currently done.


Edits: Changing the delay value of root.after() from 500 to 150 has greatly improved response time - it's long enough to act as a debounce, but not so long that cap touch input is lost.


I got it to work. I'm still poen to suggestions. I left the issues here in case anyone else has similar issues.


I tried using playsound for audio out. I get a warning when it starts:


playsound is relying on another python subprocess. Please use pip install pygobject if you want playsound to run more efficiently.

When I install pygobject, the installer says it is already installed.


When playsound() is called, I get an error:


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/charley/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 261, in <module>
File "/home/charley/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 163, in _playsoundNix
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/", line 126, in require_version
raise ValueError('Namespace %s not available' % namespace)
ValueError: Namespace Gst not available
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/tkinter/", line 1892, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/tkinter/", line 814, in callit
File "/home/charley/Documents/DogIF/", line 76, in scanTouch
File "/home/charley/Documents/DogIF/", line 59, in sound4img
File "/home/charley/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 254, in <lambda>
playsound = lambda sound, block = True: _playsoundAnotherPython('/usr/bin/python3', sound, block, macOS = False)
File "/home/charley/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 229, in _playsoundAnotherPython
File "/home/charley/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 218, in join
raise self.exc
File "/home/charley/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 211, in run
self.ret = self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/home/charley/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 226, in <lambda>
t = PropogatingThread(target = lambda: check_call([otherPython, playsoundPath, _handlePathOSX(sound) if macOS else sound]))
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 373, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/bin/python3', '/home/charley/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/', '/usr/share/scratch/Media/Sounds/Instruments/Dijjeridoo.mp3']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

so I used preferredsoundplayer instead. It works.


Here's the code:


import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageTk

import time
import board
import busio

# Import MPR121 module.
import adafruit_mpr121

from preferredsoundplayer import playsound

# Create I2C bus.
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

# Create MPR121 object.
mpr121 = adafruit_mpr121.MPR121(i2c)

# adjust window

# loading the images

l=Label(root, text="Apparently not the window title")

x = 1

# function to change to next image
def move(inc):
global x
x = x+inc
if x >= 4:
x = 1
if x <= 0:
x = 3
if x == 1:
elif x == 2:
elif x == 3:
print("x = {} ".format(x))

def sound4img():
if x == 1:
elif x == 2:
elif x == 3:

# Loop forever testing each input and printing when they're touched.
# while True:
# Loop through all 12 inputs (0-11).
def scanTouch():
for i in range(12):
# Call is_touched and pass it the number of the input. If it's touched
# it will return True, otherwise it will return False.
if mpr121[i].value:
print("Input {} touched!".format(i))
if i == 0:
if i == 1:
if i == 2:

root.after(150, scanTouch) # after(delay_ms, callback=None, *args)

root.after(50, scanTouch)


First, I always sugest an OOP aproach when working with tk. This also helps with your move function so you can renounce the usage of global for x and instad make it to a class variable. Secondly in regards to the scaling, I would look into setting a specific size for the label ore even better asign it to the root you created and use the sticky parameter: l=Label(root, sticky="nsew") Lastly, maby the response time gets better if you display two buttons instead of constantly scanning for touch input or try a callback function for the root element?


The finished product will have no keyboard and no mouse, so I'm stuck with scanning the capacitive touch sensor since it is the only input.


Maby this documentation on how to use the mpr121 as a keyboard for the raspberry pi is usefull to you. With this you could use a callback on the root element. Not sure if this improves responsetime further but it might do so and seems cleaner.



DISCLAIMER: I did not test if the "keyboard" implementation works or if it is more performant


In regards to this guide the Adafruit MPR121 can be used for keyboard input on the raspberry pi. To do so the following dependencies are necessary:

就本指南而言,Adafruit MPR121可用于覆盆子圆周率的键盘输入。要做到这一点,必须具备以下依赖关系:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
sudo pip3 install python-uinput
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-mpr121

After those are installed on your raspberry pi in the MPR121 library examples folder there should be a script with a section of a KEY_MAPPING dictionary:

在MPR121 library examples文件夹中的raspberry pi上安装这些之后,应该有一个pi_keyboard.py脚本,其中包含KEY_MAPPING字典的一部分:

0: uinput.KEY_UP,
1: uinput.KEY_DOWN,
2: uinput.KEY_LEFT,
3: uinput.KEY_RIGHT,
4: uinput.KEY_B,
5: uinput.KEY_A,
6: uinput.KEY_ENTER,
7: uinput.KEY_SPACE,

You could either change this dictionary in a way that it fits your inputs for left right and enter like this (or change the inputs of the sensors to match the dict):


0: uinput.KEY_RIGHT, # your right sensor
1: uinput.KEY_LEFT, # your left sensor
2: uinput.KEY_ENTER, # your "sound" sensor
3: uinput.KEY_UP,
4: uinput.KEY_B,
5: uinput.KEY_A,
6: uinput.KEY_DOWN,
7: uinput.KEY_SPACE,

You then can run this script in the back to use the keybord input in your main script as callback. Do so by running sudo python & and note the response ID to later kill the process again with e.g. sudo kill 2251.

然后,您可以在后台运行此脚本,以使用主脚本中的keybord输入作为回调。为此,请运行sudo python并记下响应ID,以便稍后再次使用sudo kill 2251终止该进程。

Now to the main script:


As we have the key mapping active for your touch sensors we can ommit the part of your script scanning for touches. I tried to make your script more generic, so you can add pictures and sounds and it wil still work. Also this makes it a bit more pythonic I think. Furthermore, I refactored your code into a OOP approach:


from tkinter import *  # if you import everything from tkinter you dont need the as tk line
from PIL import Image, ImageTk # cleaner to have both imports in one line
from preferredsoundplayer import playsound
from glob import glob # use this module to get a list of paths

# create App class
class SlidshowApp(Tk):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__() # instantiate the Tk class of wich you inherit
# set Window title and geometry
self.title('Animal Slideshow') # title is set for the root window, not in a Label text
# instantiate a empty list to add all the pictures
self.imagelist = []
# Load all image paths from your image folder into a list and iterate over it
for path in glob('/home/charley/Pictures/*.jpg'):
self.imagelist.append(ImageTk.PhotoImage(, 500))))
# also glob all the sound paths (make sure the sounds are in the same order as the pictures!)
self.soundlist = glob('/usr/share/scratch/Media/Sounds/Instruments/*.mp3')
# instantiate the Label as a container element for the pictures
self.img_container = Label(self)
# counter as instance variable
self.x = 1
# bind keystrokes (your sensors) to the root to trigger move or sound4image
self.bind('<Left>', lambda event: self.move(inc=-1))
self.bind('<Right>', lambda event: self.move(inc=1))
# use the lambda function to play the corresponding sound directly
self.bind('<Return>', lambda event: playsound(self.soundlist(self.x)))

# function to change to next/previous image
def move(self, inc):
self.x += inc
if self.x >= len(self.imagelist): # index out of range, start from 0
self.x = 0
elif self.x < 0: # index out of range, start from last index
self.x = len(self.imagelist) - 1
# instead of assigning a image to an x value rather use x as an index for the list we created

app = SlidshowApp()

if __name__ == '__main__':

In terms of the problem with playsound()


Maby it is better to use a more well maintained library like pygame which might already be preinstalled on your raspberry pi. But consider that this needs to use the standard audio output.


This post shows how to use it and discusses alternatives.


So after checking if pygame is installed and updating it you can import the mixer object from pygame like from pygame import mixer. Then change the part in my script, where the sound paths are loaded into a list to this:


# also glob all the sound paths (make sure the sounds are in the same order as the pictures!)
for s_path in glob('/usr/share/scratch/Media/Sounds/Instruments/*.mp3'):

Then change the binding for the sound back to self.bind('<Return>', lambda event: self.sound4image()) and write the function as method of the class like this:

然后将声音的绑定改回self.ind(‘ ’,lambda Event:self.sound4Image()),并将函数编写为类的方法,如下所示:

# funbction to play the sound
def sound4image(self):[self.x])


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