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gcc and clang emit seemingly redundant function call(GCC和clang发出看似多余的函数调用)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-24 22:16:45 26 4
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typedef struct foo
void (*const t)(struct foo *f);
} foo;

void t(struct foo *f)


void (*const myt)(struct foo *f) = t;

foo f = {.t = t};

int main(void)

return 0;

When compiling the above code with x86-64 gcc 13.2 and clang 16.0.0 similar assembly code is generated. Shown below is gcc output.

当用x86-64编译上述代码时,GCC 13.2和clang 16.0.0生成了类似的汇编代码。下面显示的是GCC的输出。

sub rsp, 8
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:f
call [QWORD PTR f[rip]]
xor eax, eax
add rsp, 8
.quad t
.quad t

Why do both compilers emit a call to t function when called through struct foo but not when called via myt function pointer? Why are the compilers not able to see that t function pointer in struct foo points to an empty function and eliminate the call all together? Since f is allocated statically and initialized at compile time such that its member t, a constant pointer that cannot be changed during runtime (without invoking undefined behaviour), points to an empty function t.

为什么两个编译器在通过struct foo调用时都会发出对t函数的调用,而在通过myt函数指针调用时却不会?为什么编译器不能看到struct Foo中的t函数指针指向一个空函数并一起消除调用?因为f是静态分配的,并且在编译时被初始化,所以它的成员t是一个在运行时不能改变的常量指针(不调用未定义的行为),指向一个空函数t。


I guess it fails to see that f.t is const.


The same happens for struct { const int i; } s = { 42 }; int foo() { return s.i; }

结构{const int i;}S={42};int foo(){Return S.i;}也是如此

@tstanisl Not entirely sure about C, but in C++ the const on f.t or s.i does not prevent them from evaluating to a different value than what the variables f or s were initialized with. (And in C++ this could already happen before main.) You'd need const top-level on the variables for that restriction.


I start to doubt if f.t is really a const object. It's indeed an const-qualified l-value expression but it does not mean that the memory region is actually const. Some citation from the standard will be very helpful here.


I've found this answer to related a question. It looks that whole f is not const qualified. The const for t just prevent using f.t to change the value of this object. It is a quite murky region of C standard.



GCC and Clang both provide mechanisms for arbitrary code to run before main, so those compilers have to respect this possibility. (Including linking with C++ libraries with static constructors, or GNU C __attribute__((constructor)).)

GCC和Clang都提供了在Main之前运行任意代码的机制,因此这些编译器必须考虑这种可能性。(包括使用静态构造函数链接C++库,或GNU C__ATTRIBUTE__((构造函数)。

The global variable foo f is not const, so GCC and clang assume it could have been modified before execution reaches f.t(&f);. Changing to const foo f = ...; lets GCC and clang know that the function-pointer value is a compile-time constant, and inline through it and optimize away the empty function. (Godbolt)

全局变量foo f不是常量,因此GCC和clang假设它可能在执行到达F.t(&f);之前就被修改了。更改为const foo f=...;让GCC和clang知道函数指针值是编译时常量,并通过它内联并优化掉空函数。(Godbolt)

So what could code look like which modifies f.t?


Obviously it can't do f.t = whatever because the .t member is const. GCC and clang also refuse to compile f = (foo){NULL}; to replace the whole struct's value, complaining about the const member. (Clang says error: cannot assign to variable 'f' with const-qualified data member 't'. GCC uses the same error as with const foo f, error: assignment of read-only variable 'f'.)

显然,它不能执行F.T=任何操作,因为.T成员是const。GCC和clang还拒绝编译f=(Foo){NULL};来替换整个结构的值,抱怨常量成员。(clang表示错误:无法向具有常量限定数据成员‘t’的变量‘f’赋值。GCC使用与const foo f相同的错误,错误:只读变量‘f’的赋值。)

But they do allow memcpy without warnings even from -Wall -Wextra, vs. they do warn if f is const. (I used NULL as a placeholder just to avoid writing another valid function. If you can change it to NULL, you can change it to a function that would do something when called.)


#include <string.h>
// Code like this could hypothetically run before main in another compilation unit
void startup(void){
// f = (foo){NULL}; // illegal

foo tmp = {NULL};
memcpy(&f, &tmp, sizeof(f)); // legal, it seems, as long as foo f isn't const foo f
// (In which case this warns, and will segfault at run-time)
// actually clang emits no instructions for the memcpy in the UB case where it's trying to write const foo f.

I haven't checked the ISO standard, but assuming GCC/clang's (lack of) warnings are consistent with what its optimizer assumes other code could have done, this explains why non-const f is not treated as having a known value in this case.


Why doesn't static foo f help?

Making it static foo f (in a compilation unit that doesn't define a startup() function to modify it) should allow constant-propagation, since nothing outside the compilation unit can see it, and nothing inside changes the value.

将其设置为静态foo f(在没有定义启动()函数来修改它的编译单元中)应该允许常量传播,因为编译单元外部的任何东西都看不到它,并且内部的任何东西都不会改变它的值。

But even gcc -fwhole-program and GCC/clang -flto (disassembling the linked binary) fail to inline f.t(&f), even though those options do let them inline myt(&f) for non-const non-static myt. (Godbolt).


Changing the calls to f.t(0); and myt(0) allows GCC and clang to optimize away both calls! (With static foo f and const myt, or with -fwhole-program or -flto.) I think passing &f as an arg was defeating escape analysis, even though compilers could in theory have proved that the call target was still always the t() defined in this compilation unit, which didn't actually let the address escape outside the compilation unit.

将调用更改为F.T(0);和MYT(0)允许GCC和Cang优化这两个调用!(使用静态foo f和const myt,或使用-fall-Program或-flto。)我认为将&f作为arg传递会破坏转义分析,即使编译器在理论上可以证明调用目标始终是这个编译单元中定义的t(),这实际上不会让地址在编译单元之外转义。

// or non-const is the same if we're using -flto or -fwhole-program
void (*const myt)(const struct foo *f) = t;
static foo f = {.t = t};

int main(void)
f.t(0); // not f.t(&f) so it's clear to the optimizer the address of f doesn't escape

// f.t(0); myt(&f); // lets clang -flto optimize away both calls, but still not GCC -fwhole-program

In C, it's not UB for main to get called again from inside the program. So if f.t(&f) changes f.t, the next execution of main (e.g. from an __attribute__((destructor)) function in another compilation unit) would be a call to a different function. That's not actually possible here, but it's easy to imagine that a compiler might have got caught in a loop trying to prove that and given up. (f has its address taken and passed to a function call, by a non-static function in this compilation unit, which normally means the address escapes. Seeing that it goes to t() which doesn't change f would require inlining to happen before it finished escape analysis, but it can't inline through a function pointer unless escape analysis can prove it knows which function is being called.)


myt on the other hand is truly const so is easy to optimize away. Even if we make it not const or static, with -flto or -fwhole-program it's easy for the compile to see that nothing in this compilation unit (or any compilation unit with LTO) changes it, and &myt isn't passed as a function arg so obviously doesn't escape. (Without -flto or const/static, constprop through global myt can't happen either.)


Godbolt - with main doing f.t(0);myt(0);, *const myt and static foo f are sufficient to let both GCC and clang optimize away both calls, even without -flto or -fwhole-program. Unless this compilation unit defines a function like startup() that does a memcpy to &f.

Godbolt-Main执行F.T(0);MYT(0);,*const MYT和静态foo f足以让GCC和clang优化这两个调用,即使没有-flto或-fall程序。除非该编译单元定义了一个函数,如startUp(),该函数可以对&f执行一次memcpy。

But with non-static foo f, that optimization is once again impossible since it could have been modified even before the first / only execution of main.

但是对于非静态foo f,这种优化再一次是不可能的,因为它甚至可能在第一次/唯一执行main之前就被修改了。

BTW, my Godbolt links have -fvisibility=hidden just to make sure symbol-interposition isn't a possibility, which would be another way for a non-static variable's value to be different from the initializer in the source. But that's already not possible for globals in the main executable, only relevant with -fPIC to compile code that's safe for a shared library.



"so GCC and clang assume it could have been modified" Except a function pointer of read-only type * const cannot be modified - doing so would invoke undefined behavior. Adding qualifiers to struct members rather than the whole struct often causes unexpected trouble, in my experience.


Except a function pointer of read-only type * const cannot be modified - doing so would invoke undefined behavior. As I showed, replacing the object-representation of f via memcpy is something that GCC and Clang's optimizers think is allowed when the whole f isn't const. Regardless of what the ISO standard says, that's what explains the behaviour of their optimizers. If they define behaviour beyond what ISO C permits, they can't also assume it doesn't happen.

除非是只读类型的函数指针,否则不能修改*const-这样做会调用未定义的行为。正如我所展示的,当整个f不是常量时,GCC和Clang的优化器认为可以通过Memcpy替换f的对象表示形式。不管ISO标准怎么说,这就是他们优化器的行为的解释。如果他们定义的行为超出了ISO C允许的范围,他们也不能假设它没有发生。

The assignment is disallowed in as a struct with a const member is not a modifiable lvalue. However, begin non-modifiable l-value does not make an object immutable. Arrays are a good example.中不允许赋值,因为具有常量成员的结构不是可修改的左值。然而,BEGIN不可修改L-值不会使对象不可变。数组就是一个很好的例子。

@tstanisl Non-const members are modifiable lvalues though, just like array elements, so a struct with a const member is not necessarily immutable. But a const member is a const member. It is an object having a const-qualified declared type (or so the standard makes me believe). It doesn't really matters though for the purpose of this answer because gcc and clang clearly treat the struct as modifiable (they place it in .data rather than .rodata). Whether it is justified standard-wise is a different question.


@n.m.couldbeanAI Yes but as such you can only assign a value to it with memcpy, ironically - not by assignment. Which is BS, the language shouldn't work like that. Qualifiers of struct members, the effective type rule, the malloc interface - all of it is very badly designed, leading to nothing but obscure and/or dangerous code - by language design.


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