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docker-java equivalent for 'docker exec {container name} touch test.txt'(Docker-Java对‘docker exec{tainer name}ouch test.txt’的等价物)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-24 22:03:39 30 4
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I am trying to run an exec command on an already running docker container on a remote host using java.


I am successfully able to run the exec command from the CLI of the host machine using


docker exec {container-id} touch asd

and can run the touch command successfully.


However, when I try to run the same using docker-java, the program doesn't throw any exceptions, but doesn't run the touch command.


            var exec = dockerClient.execCreateCmd(containerId)
.withCmd("touch asd")

var respo = dockerClient
.exec(new ResultCallback.Adapter<>())


You want withCmd("touch", "asd") -- when you run docker exec ... touch asd, the shell splits touch and asd into two separate arguments; when you're writing Java code you need to do that yourself.

您希望使用Cmd(“Touch”,“asd”)--当您运行docker exec...Touch ASD,外壳将Touch和ASD拆分成两个独立的参数;当您编写Java代码时,您需要自己做这件事。

Hmm interesting, looks like it works. Do you know if escaping the space will work? withCmd("touch\\ asd")

嗯,有趣,看起来它起作用了。你知道逃离这个空间会不会奏效?With Cmd(“触摸\\asd”)

No, it certainly won't. Escaping is shell syntax, but there is no shell here to honor that syntax. (And even if there were a shell: in this context, backslashes hold things together, which is the opposite of what you want: you want them split apart)



When you run docker exec ... touch asd, your shell splits touch and asd into two separate arguments.

当你运行Docker Exec时...触摸ASD,您的外壳将Touch和ASD分成两个独立的参数。

Using the Java library, there is no shell, so the arguments never get split (causing the system to try to run a program named like "/usr/bin/touch asd" with the space as part of its name in the container). It's on you to do that splitting yourself:

使用Java库时,没有外壳,因此参数永远不会拆分(导致系统尝试运行一个名为“/usr/bin/ouch asd”的程序,并在容器中使用空格作为其名称的一部分)。把你自己分开是你的责任:

var exec = dockerClient.execCreateCmd(containerId)
.withCmd("touch", "asd")

...or to explicitly cause a shell to be run inside the container to do it for you:


var exec = dockerClient.execCreateCmd(containerId)
.withCmd("sh", "-c", "touch asd")


Thanks for this, it works as expected with other commands as well. If I may ask one more favor, could you please redirect me to some resources where I could learn about reading output from exec commands in my java program. The above program runs successfully only after I add a Thread.sleep(2000) after it. I would like to avoid it.


Sorry -- my recent expertise is on the shell side, not the Java side. You'll probably want to ask a separate question for that one. (As someone not particularly familiar with the API, it sounds like you're doing a non-blocking read but need a blocking one, if that helps).


No worries. Much much appreciated


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