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How to make sure this code runs in the correct order?(如何确保该代码以正确的顺序运行?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-24 21:50:52 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

I have this code to get data from the health store. I am looping through information for each of the different sample types that I want to get from the health store in the fetchSampleData function. I am expecting the function to loop through and get all of the different kinds of samples and then use the completion to send that data back to the getData function. I then want to use that data in my code.


func getData() {
// Data types and units for health kit queries
let sampleInfo = [
("heartRate", HKObjectType.quantityType(
forIdentifier: .heartRate), "count/min"),
("heartRateVariabilitySDNN", HKObjectType.quantityType(
forIdentifier: .heartRateVariabilitySDNN), "s"),
("stepCount", HKObjectType.quantityType(
forIdentifier: .stepCount), "count"),

sampleInfo: sampleInfo
) { samplesDict in

let sampleCount = samplesDict.count

print("Sample count: \(sampleCount)")

if (sampleCount > 0) {
// code to do stuff with samplesDict ...


public func fetchSampleData(
sampleInfo: [(String, HKQuantityType?, String)],
completion: @escaping ( _ samples:
Dictionary<String, Dictionary<Date, Double>>) -> Void
) {

let numberOfDataTypes = sampleInfo.count
var resultsDict: [String: [Date: Double]] = [:]

for i in 0..<numberOfDataTypes {
let dataTypeName = sampleInfo[i].0
let sampleType = sampleInfo[i].1!
let unitString = sampleInfo[i].2
var dataTypeDictionary = [Date:Double]()

// Predicate for specifying start and end dates for the query
let predicate = HKQuery
withStart: Date.distantPast,
options: .strictEndDate)

// Set sorting by date.
let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(
key: HKSampleSortIdentifierStartDate,
ascending: false)

// Create the query
let query = HKSampleQuery(
sampleType: sampleType,
predicate: predicate,
limit: Int(HKObjectQueryNoLimit),
sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptor]) { (_, results, error) in

guard error == nil else {
print("Error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")

print("~~- \(results?.count) \(dataTypeName) samples returned")
for sample in results ?? [] {
let data = sample as! HKQuantitySample
let unit = HKUnit(from: unitString)
let sampleVal = data.quantity.doubleValue(for: unit)
let dateStart = data.startDate

dataTypeDictionary[dateStart] = sampleVal

resultsDict[dataTypeName] = dataTypeDictionary



But when I run this code I am getting this for an output:


Sample count: 0


~~- Optional(103) heartRateVariabilitySDNN samples returned

~~- Optional(846) stepCount samples returned

~~- Optional(3127) activeEnergyBurned samples returned

~~- Optional(4470) heartRate samples returned

~~- Optional(2913) basalEnergyBurned samples returned

So the code that i was assuming would run after the fetchSampleData function was done seems to be running before the data is even returned. Is there a way that I could tell the program to only run the code involving the returned samplesDict data if the fetchSampleData has finished getting that data?



You need to invoke completion(resultsDict) inside the query results closure - ie. after the line resultsDict[dataTypeName] = dataTypeDictionary


The OP is trying to wait until a whole series of async tasks have completed. The solution is a little more complicated than "invoke completion inside the query results closure". I reopened the question and added an answer using a GCD DispatchGroup

操作员正在尝试等待,直到完成一系列的异步任务。该解决方案比“在查询结果闭包内调用完成”稍微复杂一些。我重新打开问题并使用GCD DispatchGroup添加了答案

This isn't a bad question, but it may have been downvoted for the unnecessarily needy title. If you ask questions in the form "how to" or "how can I" then they will sound much more confident, and you may receive less negative feedback.



Your fetchSampleData function loops through numberOfDataTypes, firing off an async query to the health store each time through the loop. Then, before any of those async calls can complete, you call your function's completion handler. If you want to wait until all the queries complete you should set up a GCD DispatchGroup to synchronize all of those calls.

您的fetchSampleData函数循环通过number OfDataTypes,每次通过循环都会触发对健康存储的异步查询。然后,在这些异步调用中的任何一个完成之前,调用函数的完成处理程序。如果要等到所有查询完成,则应设置GCD DispatchGroup以同步所有这些呼叫。

I just created a question and answer explaining DispatchGroups and providing a simple example using them.


Appling that approach to your code might look like the below (see all the MARK: New code marks in the code for the changes.)


    public func fetchSampleData(
sampleInfo: [(String, HKQuantityType?, String)],
completion: @escaping ( _ samples:
Dictionary<String, Dictionary<Date, Double>>) -> Void
) {

let numberOfDataTypes = sampleInfo.count
var resultsDict: [String: [Date: Double]] = [:]

// -------------------------------
// MARK: New code
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()

// Create a DispatchWorkItem to call our completion handler once all our tasks have finished.
let workItem = DispatchWorkItem() {
// -------------------------------

for i in 0..<numberOfDataTypes {
let dataTypeName = sampleInfo[i].0
let sampleType = sampleInfo[i].1!
let unitString = sampleInfo[i].2
var dataTypeDictionary = [Date:Double]()

// Predicate for specifying start and end dates for the query
let predicate = HKQuery
withStart: Date.distantPast,
options: .strictEndDate)

// Set sorting by date.
let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(
key: HKSampleSortIdentifierStartDate,
ascending: false)

// Create the query
// MARK: New code
dispatchGroup.enter() // Tell the dispatch group we have added another async task
let query = HKSampleQuery(
sampleType: sampleType,
predicate: predicate,
limit: Int(HKObjectQueryNoLimit),
sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptor]) { (_, results, error) in

guard error == nil else {
print("Error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")

print("~~- \(results?.count) \(dataTypeName) samples returned")
for sample in results ?? [] {
let data = sample as! HKQuantitySample
let unit = HKUnit(from: unitString)
let sampleVal = data.quantity.doubleValue(for: unit)
let dateStart = data.startDate

dataTypeDictionary[dateStart] = sampleVal

resultsDict[dataTypeName] = dataTypeDictionary
// MARK: New code
dispatchGroup.leave() // tell the dispatch group this task has been completed


dispatchGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main, work: workItem) // MARK: New code


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