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Pandas Find distance amoung the group(大熊猫在群体中找到了距离)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-24 21:24:26 25 4
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Given data set contains,


Brand | Sector|Year|Price|Sales.

B1, S1, 2023, 45900, 400

B1, S1, 2022, 45000, 500

B2, S1, 2022, 45400, 520

The Group may be defined as Same Brand and Sector, and the distance may be defined as change in Price by Change in Sale and with in a group. Lets say there are 4 (A,B,C,D) members for Brand B1 and Sector S1, each member having its own Count of Sales, and Price. We can form 6 Pairs,
AB, AC,AD,BC,BD,CD and from each pair we could find Change is Price by Change in Sales.
(A.Price - B.Price ) / (A.Sale - B.Sale )


Tried things like df.diff(), df.roll() etc. But that can compare only one element next to another.



Please add a more complete data set (showing the members that you talk about) and your expected output.



It's typical that when you want pair-wise calculation within a group, you want to merge on the key, here Brand and Sector. Then what you need is just a straightforward calculation:


(df.merge(df, on=['Brand','Sector'])
.query('Year_x != Year_y')
.assign(Change=lambda x: x['Price_x'].sub(x['Price_y']).div(x['Sales_x']-x['Sales_y']))



  Brand Sector  Year_x  Price_x  Sales_x  Year_y  Price_y  Sales_y  Change
1 B1 S1 2023 45900 400 2022 45000 500 -9.0
2 B1 S1 2022 45000 500 2023 45900 400 -9.0


Should it be 'Year_x < Year_y' , to avoid Duplication, Like AB calculation is same as BA ?


Yes, but in the question you requested 6 pairs, not 3 pairs...


Yes, A, B, C, D, taken 2 at a time without order we get 6 pairs, AB, AC,AD, BC,BD,CD , Couting BA, CA etc will create a kind of duplicate. Anyways I think 'Year_x < Year_y' would help to solve

是的,A,B,C,D,一次取2个,没有顺序我们得到6对,AB,AC,AD,BC,BD,CD,Couting BA,CA等会产生一种复制。无论如何,我认为‘Year_x

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