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Average hours getting truncated despite using float in cs50 hours practice problem(在CS50学时练习题中使用浮点时平均学时被截断)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-24 20:54:29 30 4
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In cs5's week 2 hours practice problem, the code correctly gives the total hours spent, but it truncates the average hours per week despite using float. Where am I going wrong?


#include <cs50.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

float calc_hours(int hours[], int weeks, char output);

int main(void)
int weeks = get_int("Number of weeks taking CS50: ");
int hours[weeks];

for (int i = 0; i < weeks; i++)
hours[i] = get_int("Week %i HW Hours: ", i);

char output;
output = toupper(get_char("Enter T for total hours, A for average hours per week: "));
while (output != 'T' && output != 'A');

printf("%.1f hours\n", calc_hours(hours, weeks, output));

// TODO: complete the calc_hours function
float calc_hours(int hours[], int weeks, char output)
int tot = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < weeks; i++)
tot = hours[i] + tot;

if (output == 'T')
return (float) tot;
return (float) (tot / weeks);

I typed in the weeks and hours spent per week when prompted and typed in A to get average of hours spent per week, but it only outputs an integer value instead of a float.



tot / weeks performs integer division, the result of which you then cast to float.


return (float) tot / weeks; You need to cast one of the operands, not the result after the integer division has already happened.


Or, change: int tot = 0; to float tot = 0;, and get rid of the dangerous casting... (Does CS50 library have get_float()? Did you ever invest 8.5 hrs during one week?

或者,将:int tot=0;更改为浮动tot=0;,并删除危险的强制转换...(CS50库是否有Get_Float()?你有没有在一周内投入8.5个小时?

Retired Ninja is right, and changing tot to float worked @Fe2O3 ! Yes using get_float would make sense but I'm not supposed to edit the main function for this problem.


Bonus points for not using else in your function! Earn more by figuring out how to have only one return statement in that function... (Hint: tot is a local variable that can be made to serve your purposes...)





(float) (tot / weeks)

"Where am I going wrong?" As noted, integer division (with truncation) is occurring within the parentheses, before the quotient is cast to float.


The simplest solution is to define the variable that will be returned from the float function to be a float itself:


float calc_hours( int hours[], int weeks, char output ) {
float tot = 0.0;

for( int i = 0; i < weeks; i++ )
tot += hours[ i ];

if( output == 'T' )
return tot; // no casting required

if( weeks == 0 ) {
printf( "Division by zero is not defined\n" );
return -1; // something. Maybe sqrt( -1 ); :-)

return tot / weeks; // will be 'float' calculation, not integer

May as well learn the gotcha now and try to avoid having it bite you later.



Just thought! A float is limited to ~7 digits of precision, while a 32bit int ranges up to just above 9 digits. If tot is expected to be greater than 999,999, this function may not produce accurate results.


As noted in comments, you are casting the result of integer division to float.


(float) (tot / weeks)

You need to cast one of the operands to / to float first to perform floating point math.


(float)tot / weeks

  • As mentioned by others, code is doing an integer division with an integer quotient. To achieve a floating point quotient, use floating-point math.


  • Also, avoid overflow when adding up the integer values.


  • Using integer math to perform the summation is good and efficient. Using a float sum readily risks rounding issues if used to sum the ints when hours[] is large.


  • In C, consider double for typical floating-point math and save float for select cases where the limited precision and range are specifically needed. Note that printf("%.1f hours\n", calc_hours(hours, weeks, output)); converts the float return value from calc_hours() to double before passing the argument to the printf(...) function.

    在C语言中,对于典型的浮点运算,考虑使用DOUBLE,而对于特别需要有限精度和范围的特定情况,则保存FLOAT。请注意,在将参数传递给printf(...)之前,printf(“%.1f HUTHERS\n”,CALC_HOURS(小时,周,输出));将浮点返回值从CALC_HOURS()转换为DOUBLE功能。

// Alternative
double calc_hours(const int hours[], int weeks, char output) {
long tot = 0; // or long long tot
for (int i = 0; i < weeks; i++) {
tot = hours[i] + tot;

if (output == 'T') {
return (double) tot;
return (double) tot / weeks;

  • Advanced: use size_t for array sizing.

double calc_hours(const int hours[], size_t weeks, char output) {


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