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How to get all the jobs scheduled with different names in node-schedule?(如何在node-Schedule中以不同的名称调度所有作业?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-24 20:20:18 36 4
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I want to get the list of all the jobs that are scheduled by node-schedule


 var scheduleIds = schedule.scheduleJob(scheduleId,rule, function() {

here scheduleId is a unique key and there are multiple jobs running with different names. How can I find a job from its name and cancel it?



var schedule = require('node-schedule');
var scheduleIds = schedule.scheduleJob(scheduleId,rule, function() {

The schedule object that is created contains all the names of the jobs that are scheduled.


I had the same query and this is what worked for me. I am using [node-schedule v2.1.0][1] and this is 8y11m after the question was posted. So I am not sure if the API has changed a bit since the above answers.

我也有同样的疑问,这就是对我有效的方法。我正在使用[node-Schedule v2.1.0][1],这是问题发布后的8年11月。因此,我不确定在回答上述问题后,API是否发生了一些变化。

To get access to scheduled jobs, use code like below:


const schedule = require('node-schedule'); // import module
const {scheduledJobs} = schedule; // get access to scheduled jobs
console.log({scheduledJobs}); // prints {scheduledJobs: {<job1 object>}, {job2 object>}, ...} to console

To access a specific job by name, use code similar to this:


console.log(scheduledJobs['hello123']); // prints Job object by name "hello123", if it exists, to console

The above snippet assumes that a job with name 'hello123' has been already scheduled. To cancel this job, one can use a code similar to this:


const hello123job = scheduledJobs['hello123']; // returns Job object corresponding to job with name 'hello123'
const status = schedule.cancelJob(hello123job); // Cancels the job and returns Boolean true on success


When I console.log the schedule object, the result is this: { [Function: scheduleJob] bindAsync: { [Function] __isPromisified__: true }, toStringAsync: { [Function] __isPromisified__: true }, callAsync: { [Function] __isPromisified__: true }, applyAsync: { [Function] __isPromisified__: true } } It'd be great if you tell how to get those names and use them?

当我Console.log Schedule对象时,结果是:{[Function:ScheduleJob]bindAsync:{[Function]__isPromisified__:True},toStringAsync:{[Function]__isPromisified__:True},call Async:{[Function]__isPromisified__:True},applyAsync:{[Function]__isPromisified__:True}如果你告诉如何获取并使用这些名称,那将是很棒的?

schedule.scheduledJobs is an array that will show you all the jobs that are scheduled. Just do this console.log(schedule.scheduledJobs)


scheduledJobs is (at least now), an object: {[jobName: string]: schedule.Job}


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