I am using React Places Autocomplete to generate location suggestions. I want to force user to select one of the suggested locations, so I am trying to detect the clicks outside the elements generated here:
我正在使用React Places Autocomplete来生成位置建议。我想强制用户选择一个建议的位置,所以我试图检测在这里生成的元素之外的点击:
<div ref={suggestionsContainerRef}>
{suggestions.map(suggestion => {
const className = suggestion.active ? 'suggestion-item--active' : 'suggestion-item';
// inline style for demonstration purpose
const style = suggestion.active
? { backgroundColor: '#fafafa', cursor: 'pointer' }
: { backgroundColor: '#ffffff', cursor: 'pointer' };
return (
<div {...getSuggestionItemProps(suggestion, { className, style })} >
<span >{suggestion.description}</span>
This is not working as expected. Even I click on one of the span elements generated, it considers the click outside of the div. Any help?
Full Code:
type LocationInputProps = {
id: string
label: string
placeholder: string
const LocationInput = ({id, label, placeholder}: LocationInputProps) => {
const [address, setAddress] = useState<string>('');
const [lat, setLat] = useState<number>();
const [lon, setLon] = useState<number>();
const [selectedAddress, setSelectedAddress] = useState(false);
const suggestionsContainerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
// Add a click event listener to the document to detect clicks outside the suggestions container
document.addEventListener('click', handleDocumentClick);
return () => {
// Remove the click event listener when the component unmounts
document.removeEventListener('click', handleDocumentClick);
}, []);
const handleDocumentClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
// Check if the click target is not within the suggestions container
if (
suggestionsContainerRef.current &&
!suggestionsContainerRef.current.contains(event.target as Node)
) {
console.log('click is not within container')
setAddress(''); // Clear the input value
onChange={(address) => {setAddress(address)}}
onSelect={(address) => {
.then(results => getLatLng(results[0]))
.then(latLng => {console.log('Success', latLng)
.catch(error => {console.error('Error', error)
searchOptions={{componentRestrictions: {country: 'US'}}}
{({ getInputProps, suggestions, getSuggestionItemProps }) => (
<div className="grid w-9/12 items-center gap-1.5">
<Input id={id} placeholder={placeholder} {...getInputProps({
className: 'location-search-input'
<div ref={suggestionsContainerRef}>
{suggestions.map(suggestion => {
const className = suggestion.active ? 'suggestion-item--active' : 'suggestion-item';
// inline style for demonstration purpose
const style = suggestion.active
? { backgroundColor: '#fafafa', cursor: 'pointer' }
: { backgroundColor: '#ffffff', cursor: 'pointer' };
return (
<div {...getSuggestionItemProps(suggestion, { className, style })} >
<span >{suggestion.description}</span>
export default LocationInput
Could you try and give the ref to to the div
that encloses the span
yup already tried that, it is not working either
I have created a minimally reproducible example and at first glance it works as expected. Could you please check it and tell me if I missed something. codesandbox.io/s/hungry-meninsky-f66mw4?file=/src/App.js You could also try to log actual container and childNodes and look at their DOM to make sure they are correct.
@DmitriyZhiganov thanks for the demo, your demo works when we have fixed number of suggesstions but the google places api dynamically changes the suggestions hence the suggestion div changes in every keystroke that is why it doesn't work
@Dmitriyzhiganov感谢您的演示,当我们有固定数量的建议时,您的演示可以工作,但Google Places API会动态更改建议,因此建议div在每次击键时都会更改,这就是它不起作用的原因