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How to implement Scrypt in Java?(如何在Java中实现SCRYPT?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-24 17:54:22 28 4
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I have really been struggling trying to get Bouncy Castle Scrypt going in my web app for password encryption. I am fairly new to programming in Java and security.

我一直在努力尝试在我的网络应用程序中使用Bundy Castle Scret进行密码加密。我对Java和安全编程相当陌生。

I have tried looking at Bouncy Castle's documentation for their Scrypt class. However, I have a really hard time trying to figure out how it works. It doesn't seem to really give much information as to how to create the class or anything like that.

我试着查看了Bouly Castle的Scret类的文档。然而,我真的很难弄清楚它是如何工作的。关于如何创建类或类似的内容,它似乎并没有提供太多信息。

I searched around Stack Exchange and Google to see if there is anywhere that could give me a good example as to what I should do to create this class. I found this question and answer, and I tried it out without creating a class, but that didn't seem to work either.

我在Stack Exchange和Google上搜索了一下,看看有没有什么地方可以给我一个很好的例子,告诉我应该做些什么来创建这个类。我找到了这个问题和答案,并在没有创建类的情况下进行了尝试,但似乎也不起作用。

To top this off, my import doesn't seem to want to work either.


This is all of the code that I have:


import org.bouncycastle.crypto.generators;

public class SCrypt extends java.lang.Object {

public Scrypt(){}

public static byte[] generate(byte[] P,byte[] S,int N,int r,int p,int dkLen) {


I want to use Scrypt since it seems to be the most secure in encrypting passwords, but it seems next impossible to implement. I'm really close with just going with a PBKDF2 since there is more documentation on it, but I'm hoping that there is someone out there who can help me get this going.



Scrypt will be memory intensive for a server-side web application. Bcrypt might be a better choice.


Why are you creating another Scrypt class? You just need to import org.bouncycastle.crypto.generators.SCrypt and then use the generate method: SCrypt.generate(parameters...). Make sure to download bouncycastle jars in their site (or include in your pom.xml if you're using maven)



Thanks Hugo for the feedback!
After much struggle and searching, I found this website:


This helped give me a breakdown step-by-step on what I needed to get Bouncy Castle up and running on my computer.
I hope this will help others since I struggled with it for so long to find something that broke this down into layman's terms. :)

这帮助我一步一步地分析了在我的电脑上启动和运行Bundy Castle所需的东西。我希望这会对其他人有所帮助,因为我花了这么长时间才找到一些可以用外行人的话来解释这一点的东西。:)

The Scrypt hashing algorithm is widely used in Java based application (as MD5 and other JDK shipped algorithms are considered easy to break).


The JDK does not provide SPI for Scrypt so you need to use BouncyCastle provider for Scrypt. You can use below dependency in your project:



You can use appropriate version as per your Java version.


Now, you need to decide or generate below parameters to define the complexity of for your Scrypt hashing:


  • cpuCost (int): Define the cpu cost, must be greater than 1 and less
    than equal to 65536

  • memoryCost (int): Define memory cost, must be greater
    than 1

  • parallelization (int): Define parallelization, must be
    greater than 1 and less than Integer.MAX_VALUE / (128 * memoryCost * 8)

  • keyLength (int): Key length must be greater than 1

  • salt (int): Salt length must be greater than 1

Now you can generate salt in byte array of given salt size as:


SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();

public byte[] generateKey(int keyLength) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[keyLength];
return bytes;

Once you generate Salt then you can use below code to encode the given


var cpuCost = 65536;
var memoryCost = 8;
var parallelization = 1;
var keyLength = 32;
var saltLength = 16;
var rawPassword = "abcdef"; //String to be hashed

var salt = generateKey(saltLength);

byte[] derived = SCrypt.generate(Utf8.encode(rawPassword), salt, cpuCost, memoryCost, parallelization, keyLength);
String params = Long.toString( ((int) (Math.log(cpuCost) / Math.log(2)) << 16L) | memoryCost << 8 | parallelization, 16);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((salt.length + derived.length) * 2);
val encodedValue = sb.toString();

Scrypt is also used in Spring Security for Password encoding, so if you are already using Spring then you can simple use SCryptPasswordEncoder to encode and match.
This class provide static factory method which is optimized for Spring use like:

Scret还在Spring Security中用于密码编码,所以如果您已经在使用Spring,那么您可以简单地使用SCyptPasswordEncode进行编码和匹配。此类提供了针对Spring使用进行了优化的静态工厂方法,如下所示:

SCryptPasswordEncoder scryptEncoder = SCryptPasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8();

String hashedValue = scryptEncoder.encode("abcdef");

//To match the encoded string with raw value
boolean isSame = scryptEncoder.matches("abcdef", hashedValue);

Hope it will help you!



the link is broken


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