When I run containerd on my Windows 11 box
当我在Windows 11系统上运行Containerd时
ctr images pull mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2022-amd64
ctr.exe run mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2022-amd64 hello cmd echo Hello World
and check where the process isolated cmd.exe belongs to I find with Process Explorer from SysInternals that
the job object is named Container_hello like the created container instance name. On Windows 10 it is a long gibberish guid like string which is much longer than a GUID. Is this a Windows 11 feature only or can I get the same behavior also for Windows 10 dev boxes? When I need to drill into containers I use hcsdiag which shows on Windows 11 due to this changed behavior
作业对象被命名为Container_Hello,就像创建的容器实例名称一样。在Windows10上,它是一个很长的乱七八糟的GUID,就像字符串一样,比GUID长得多。这是否仅是Windows 11的一项功能,或者我是否也可以在Windows 10开发环境中获得相同的行为?当我需要深入到容器中时,我使用hcsdiag,由于此更改的行为,它在Windows 11上显示
C:\Source\git>hcsdiag list
Windows Server Container, Running, , containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.exe
the clear container name which is much more descriptive than a random number.