I created a minimum project to test pre-actions script. In our UI Test cases, I want to perform the script before each test run. But I found the prescript only run before the 1st test case.
It is proved by say "Pre build scripts running."
. Could I know what is the reason?
Xcode 14.3.1
Xcode 14.3.1
Because that's what it was designed to do: give you a chance to run something once before any tests run. It's completely external to the tests.
To run something before each test case, create an XCTestCase
subclass that executes what you want in its set-up. Then for each of your test suites, subclass this. (If any test suite has its own set-up, it should call the super
set-up first.)
Yeah, I think that is by design too. Because in some scenarios, we want to uninstall / reinstall app before each tests, and that is unable to achieved in XCTest script, aka setup() or teardown(). So I think may be we could use shell command to do it. Well I would leave those tests to QA for manual run.