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Google Apps Script's Logger.log() not working for doGet function in Apps脚本的Logger.log()不适用于code.gs中的doGet函数)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-22 17:34:44 26 4
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In a Google Apps Script project for my google sheets, in the file, I have two functions - doGet for when standard GET requests, and sendEmail which has a trigger setup on it - if the google form linked to my sheet receives a new response, the trigger runs this function. Both those functions have a Logger.log() command at end, to keep track of runs.


Here's a basic structure of my code:


function doGet(request) {
var data =;
var taskmode = request.parameter.mode;
var dataarr = [{}];
dataarr = data.split(" | ");
// code...

if(taskmode == "search") {
// code...
if(condition) var responsePrint = "NA";
else var responsePrint = "Some Data";

Logger.log(responsePrint); // does not work
return ContentService.createTextOutput(responsePrint); //works
} else if(taskmode == "update") {
//some code
if(condition) var responsePrint = "Done";
else var responsePrint = "Not Done";

Logger.log(responsePrint); //does not work
return ContentService.createTextOutput(responsePrint); //works
} else if(taskmode == "new") {
var responsePrint = "Done";
Logger.log(responsePrint); //doesnt work
return ContentService.createTextOutput(responsePrint); //works
// .... +4 more such else..if conditions, which have both Logger.log() which does not work & ContentService ...() which works.

function sendemail(e) {
var data = e['values'];
Logger.log(data); //works

//... other code

var paramslist = [email,name,actcode,date,expiry,version,link];
var params = paramslist.join(" | ");
var finalurl = "" + encodeURIComponent(params);
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(finalurl);
Logger.log(response.getContentText()); //works

What's strange is, in my execution tab, the logs for doGet function show empty every time. See the below image, logs for doGet run shows "No logs", whereas logs for sendEmail show what they're supposed to (as in code above) - first line is the raw list, then is the response of the fetch command. There's no delay in log activity, as 2-3 days old logs show same - empty.


enter image description here

For every condition, return ContentService.createTextOutput(responsePrint); prints responsePrint variable correctly on the screen, so the variable is not the issue. What could be the problem here? When I console.log() it, it shows. Why is logger.log() working for one (trigger) function but not the other?



Although I'm not sure whether I could correctly understand your expected result, I proposed an answer. Please confirm it. If I misunderstood your question and that was not useful, I apologize.



Although I'm not sure whether I could correctly understand your actual situation, from "if the google form linked to my sheet receives a new response, the trigger runs this function" and your shown script, I guessed the following situation.


  • Your showing script is the container-bound script of Google Spreadsheet or the standalone script.

  • Function doGet(request) is run by the HTTP request (GET method) from the outside.

  • Function sendemail(e) is run by the installable trigger of OnSubmit trigger.

Under this condition, I guessed that you wanted to achieve the following goal.


  • You want to know the reason for Why is logger.log() working for one (trigger) function but not the other?.

If my understanding is correct, how about the following answer?



About doGet

In the case of Web Apps, when doGet is run, you want to show the log from Logger.log and console.log, it is required to link the Google Apps Script project with the Google Cloud Platform Project and/or request with the access token. Ref (Author: me) From your question, I guessed your situation as follows.

对于Web应用程序,当运行doGet时,您希望显示Logger.log和console.log中的日志,需要将Google Apps脚本项目与Google云平台项目链接和/或使用访问令牌进行请求。Ref(作者:我)根据你的问题,我猜测你的情况如下。

  • Your Google Apps Script project might not linked with the Google Cloud Platform Project.

  • Your HTTP request for requesting doGet might not use the access token.

In those cases, unfortunately, the log by Logger.log and console.log is not shown in the log. It seems that this is the current specification on the Google side. If you want to see the log from Logger.log and console.log, please see the following table.


Without access token With access token
Without linking GCP Apps Script Dashboard
With linking GCP Stackdriver Apps Script Dashboard and Stackdriver

In this table, the condition for showing logs from Logger.log and console.log can be seen. For example, when the Google Apps Script project is not linked with the GCP project, it is required to use the access token. If the access token is not used, it is required to link the Google Apps Script project with the GCP project.

在该表中,可以看到Logger.log和console.log中显示日志的条件。例如,当Google Apps Script项目未与GCP项目链接时,需要使用访问令牌。如果未使用访问令牌,则需要将Google Apps Script项目与GCP项目链接起来。

About sendemail

In the case of the installable trigger of the OnSubmit trigger, the script is run as the owner of the script and the scopes have already been authorized. By this, when the script is run by the trigger, the log from Logger.log and console.log can be seen.




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