We are using Redis cache for storing data in cache in our application. We are directly using
@Cacheable to allow caching and using redis underneath to cache. Below is the config
Redis Config -
public class RedisConfig implements CachingConfigurer {
Long redisTTL;
public RedisCacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
objectMapper = objectMapper.copy();
objectMapper.activateDefaultTyping(objectMapper.getPolymorphicTypeValidator(), ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL, JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY);
objectMapper.registerModules(new JavaTimeModule(), new Hibernate5Module())
.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
return RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()
.serializeKeysWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()))
.serializeValuesWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(objectMapper)));
public RedissonClient reddison(@Value("${spring.redis.host}") final String redisHost,
@Value("${spring.redis.port}") final int redisPort,
@Value("${spring.redis.cluster.nodes}") final String clusterAddress,
@Value("${spring.redis.use-cluster}") final boolean useCluster,
@Value("${spring.redis.timeout}") final int timeout) {
Config config = new Config();
if (useCluster) {
} else {
config.useSingleServer().setAddress(String.format("redis://%s:%d", redisHost, redisPort)).setTimeout(timeout);
return Redisson.create(config);
public RedissonConnectionFactory redissonConnectionFactory(RedissonClient redissonClient) {
return new RedissonConnectionFactory(redissonClient);
public RedisCacheManager cacheManager(RedissonClient redissonClient, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager= RedisCacheManager.builder(this.redissonConnectionFactory(redissonClient))
return redisCacheManager;
public CacheErrorHandler errorHandler() {
return new RedisCacheErrorHandler();
public static class RedisCacheErrorHandler implements CacheErrorHandler {
public void handleCacheGetError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache, Object key) {
log.info("Unable to get from cache " + cache.getName() + " : " + exception.getMessage());
public void handleCachePutError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache, Object key, Object value) {
log.info("Unable to put into cache " + cache.getName() + " : " + exception.getMessage());
public void handleCacheEvictError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache, Object key) {
log.info("Unable to evict from cache " + cache.getName() + " : " + exception.getMessage());
public void handleCacheClearError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache) {
log.info("Unable to clean cache " + cache.getName() + " : " + exception.getMessage());
Service class -
public class CompanyServiceImpl implements CompanyService {
private final CompanyRepository companyRepository;
@Cacheable(key = "#companyName", value = COMPANY_CACHE_NAME, cacheManager = "cacheManager")
public Optional<CompanyEntity> findByName(String companyName) {
return companyRepository.findByName(companyName);
Company class -
public class CompanyEntity {
private Long id;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "comapnyENtity", cascade = CascadeType.ALL,fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<EmployeeEntity> employeeEntities;
Once we run the service, caching gets done properly too. Once we fire the query, we get following record in cache -
> get Company::ABC
" {"@class":"com.abc.entity.CompanyEntity","createdTs":1693922698604,"id":100000000002,"name":"ABC","description":"ABC Operations","active":true,"EmployeeEntities":["org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentBag",[{"@class":"com.abc.entity.EmployeeEntity","createdTs":1693922698604,"Id":100000000002,"EmployeeEntity":{"@class":"com.abc.EmployeeLevel","levelId":100000000000,"name":"H1","active":true}}]]}"
“{”@class“:”com.abc.entity.CompanyEntity“,”createdTs“:1693922698604,”id“:100000000002,”name“:”abc“,”description“:“abc Operations”,”active“:true,”EmployeeEntities“:[”org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentBag“,[{”@class“:”com.ibm.abc.entity.EmplyeeEntity”,“createdTs”:169392269 8604,100000000000,“name”:“H1”,“active“:true}}]]}”
But while we try to execute the query the second time, it still goes inside the cache method with below logs -
Unable to get from cache Company : Could not read JSON: failed to lazily initialize a
collection, could not initialize proxy - no Session (through reference chain:
com.abc.entity.CompanyEntity$CompanyEntityBuilder["employeeEntities"]); nested exception
is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: failed to lazily initialize a c
collection, could not initialize proxy - no Session (through reference chain:
I understood from various SO answers that it is due unavailability of session for proxy child object. But we are caching using EAGER mode and whole collection is present in cache too. But still it goes inside the cached method and get values from db. How can we prevent it and use it directly from cache.
If we use LAZY loading, the collection objects doesn't get cached and comes as null. But we require cached collection as methods don't get call on order and cached method will return null later.
Found the required answer here. My cache collection reference was not getting de-serialized properly. After applying the required changes, I was able to successfully de-serialize the cached collection object from Redis cache.
Changes in the existing Redis config -
public RedisCacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
objectMapper = objectMapper.copy();
objectMapper.enableDefaultTyping(ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL, JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY);
objectMapper.registerModules(new JavaTimeModule(), new Hibernate5Module(), new Jdk8Module())
.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY).addMixIn(Collection.class, HibernateCollectionMixIn.class);
return RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()
.serializeKeysWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()))
.serializeValuesWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(objectMapper)));
Two new classes were added as part of the fix -
class HibernateCollectionIdResolver extends TypeIdResolverBase {
public HibernateCollectionIdResolver() {
public String idFromValue(Object value) {
//translate from HibernanteCollection class to JDK collection class
if (value instanceof PersistentArrayHolder) {
return Array.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentBag || value instanceof PersistentIdentifierBag || value instanceof PersistentList) {
return List.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentSortedMap) {
return TreeMap.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentSortedSet) {
return TreeSet.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentMap) {
return HashMap.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentSet) {
return HashSet.class.getName();
} else {
//default is JDK collection
return value.getClass().getName();
public String idFromValueAndType(Object value, Class<?> suggestedType) {
return idFromValue(value);
//deserialize the json annotated JDK collection class name to JavaType
public JavaType typeFromId(DatabindContext ctx, String id) throws IOException {
try {
return ctx.getConfig().constructType(Class.forName(id));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(e);
public JsonTypeInfo.Id getMechanism() {
return JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS;
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS
@JsonTypeIdResolver(value = HibernateCollectionIdResolver.class)
public class HibernateCollectionMixIn {
A JsonMappingException
means Jackson is attempting to deserialize a Hibernate proxy object but is unable to do so because the Hibernate session is not available during deserialization.
So you need to ensure that the employeeEntities
collection is properly initialized to a non-proxy state before serialization, in order for Jackson to correctly deserialize the CompanyEntity
objects from the cache without requiring a Hibernate session.
You can ensure proper initialization of the collection by adjusting your service method to force the initialization of the employeeEntities
collection before the CompanyEntity
is cached!
@Cacheable(key = "#companyName", value = COMPANY_CACHE_NAME, cacheManager = "cacheManager")
public Optional<CompanyEntity> findByName(String companyName) {
Optional<CompanyEntity> companyEntityOpt = companyRepository.findByName(companyName);
companyEntityOpt.ifPresent(companyEntity -> {
companyEntity.getEmployeeEntities().size(); // Force initialization of the collection
return companyEntityOpt;
That way, the employeeEntities
collection is converted from a Hibernate proxy to a regular Java collection. That should help to avoid the JsonMappingException
you are experiencing during deserialization from the cache.
This assumes you are using FetchType.EAGER
, meaning the employeeEntities
collection is being loaded automatically when you fetch a CompanyEntity
If the issue persists, you can check if detaching the entity help:
@Cacheable(key = "#companyName", value = COMPANY_CACHE_NAME, cacheManager = "cacheManager")
public Optional<CompanyEntity> findByName(String companyName) {
Optional<CompanyEntity> companyEntityOpt = companyRepository.findByName(companyName);
companyEntityOpt.ifPresent(companyEntity -> {
companyEntity.getEmployeeEntities().size(); // Force initialization of the collection
// Obtain entity manager and detach the entity
EntityManager em = // get entity manager bean
return companyEntityOpt;
Detaching the entity from the Hibernate session would to turn it into a normal POJO.
Note that to get the EntityManager
you will need to inject it into your service class, and you should ensure that all relationships and attributes that will be accessed later are properly initialized before detaching the entity.
The other approach, to avoid caching Hibernate managed entities directly or ensure that Hibernate proxies are not serialized is to use DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) to separate your persistence model from the objects you are working with in the application logic.
- Create a DTO class that corresponds to your
- Before caching, map your
instance to a DTO instance.
- Cache the DTO instance instead of the entity instance.
- When reading from the cache, you will get a DTO instance which you can then map back to an entity instance if necessary.
In your service class, it would look something like this:
public class CompanyServiceImpl implements CompanyService {
private final CompanyRepository companyRepository;
private final ModelMapper modelMapper; // Bean for mapping entity to DTO
@Cacheable(key = "#companyName", value = COMPANY_CACHE_NAME, cacheManager = "cacheManager")
public Optional<CompanyDTO> findByName(String companyName) {
Optional<CompanyEntity> companyEntityOpt = companyRepository.findByName(companyName);
return companyEntityOpt.map(companyEntity -> {
companyEntity.getEmployeeEntities().size(); // Force initialization of the collection
return modelMapper.map(companyEntity, CompanyDTO.class); // Map entity to DTO before caching
In this method, you would use a ModelMapper
or another mapping framework to map your entity to a DTO. That DTO would be what gets cached, avoiding the Hibernate proxy issues you are experiencing.
Remember to create a corresponding DTO for EmployeeEntity
and any other entities that are part of your object graph.
That approach would require creating additional classes and modifying your service logic but it will create a clean separation between your Hibernate entities and what gets cached, which can help avoid issues like this one.
Can you illustrate then changes you had to make, when applied to your use case?
hello Von, sorry. with above force check too, same exception is there.
@Neil OK. I have edited the answer to address your comment.
hello @Vonc, above suggestions looks correct but above answer worked for me. I have posted an answer.