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Passing string as blittable type for UnmanagedCallersOnly native method(将字符串作为UnmanagedCallersOnly本机方法的blitable类型传递)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-22 16:39:12 44 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

Trying to use the UnmanagedCallersOnly attribute but I'm stuck on some string fields in the structure. Is it possible to model this structure that is usable with the new UnmanagedCallersOnly attribute?


C++ structure:

struct PluginInfo {
int nStructSize;
int nType;
int nVersion;
char szName[ 64 ];
char szVendor[ 64 ];

I'm getting stuck on converting the szName and szVendor to c#.


[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct PluginInfo
public int StructSize;

public PluginType Type; // PluginType is an enumeration

public int Version;

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr, SizeConst = 64)] //[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)]
public string Name;

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr, SizeConst = 64)] //[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)]
public string Vendor;

public class Plugin
[UnmanagedCallersOnly(CallConvs = new[] { typeof(CallConvCdecl) })]
public static void GetPluginInfo(ref PluginInfo pluginInfo)

pluginInfo.Name = "myPluginName";
pluginInfo.Vendor = "myVendorName";
pluginInfo.Type = PluginType.Data;
pluginInfo.StructSize = Marshal.SizeOf((PluginInfo)pluginInfo);


The error is "Cannot use 'PluginInfo' as a parameter type on a method attributed with 'UnmanagedCallersOnly'"



UnmanagedType.ByValTStr instead of LPWStr


@Charlieface Unfortunately, that gives me the same error.


You definitely need that anyway. char[] instead of string and ByValArray? I'm not sure UnmanagedCallersOnly is possible here at all


Still doesn't work. I may have to assume that it's not supported.


Needs to be blittable see this doc not sure why it's not working with a char array



using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

unsafe struct PluginInfo
public int nStructSize;
public int nType;
public int nVersion;
// fixed means in place buffer, like in your C++ declaration
public fixed char szName[64];
public fixed char szVendor[64];

class d{
[UnmanagedCallersOnly(CallConvs = new[] { typeof(CallConvCdecl) })]
unsafe public static void GetPluginInfo(PluginInfo* info)
// PluginInfo required to be blittable, so we can use sizeof directly
Debug.Assert(Marshal.SizeOf<PluginInfo>() == sizeof(PluginInfo));
info->nStructSize = sizeof(PluginInfo);

// use Span
var s = new Span<char>(info->szName, 64);
s["hello".Length] = '\0'; // it's `sz`, so null terminator is required

// or use pointer directly
info->szName[0] = 'x';

unsafe static void Main()
delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl]<PluginInfo*, void> callback = &GetPluginInfo;

PluginInfo inf = default; // zero initializedd, unless SkipLocalsInit applied

// copy to string
var name = new string(inf.szName/*, 0, 64 - 1*/);
// or use [ReadOnly]Span
var name2 = MemoryMarshal.CreateReadOnlySpanFromNullTerminated(inf.szName);

Console.WriteLine(inf.nStructSize == (64 + 64) * sizeof(char) + sizeof(int) * 3);


I've abandoned the project a while ago and will have to dig out the code to test it but I'll go ahead and accept it as the answer. Thanks.


@Ceres added some comments. You can play with it on


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