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QtCreator 5.0.0 - Set the background color of the area right to the editor margin(QtCreator 5.0.0-将区域的背景色设置为编辑器边距右侧)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-22 16:11:32 28 4
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I have just installed QtCreator 5.0.0. for Windows.

我刚刚安装了QtCreator 5.0.0。适用于Windows。

Since I prefer a visible margin line after 100 columns I did the following:


In the Options menu under Text Editor/Display I've activated the checkbox Text Wrapping/Display right margin at column and set the value to 100.


I actually expected only the thin vertical line like in older Versions of QtCreator. But now, unfortunately, the background color of the window to the right of the margin is gray as well. How can I turn this off again? I haven't found an option and it's also not customizable in the color scheme.


enter image description here


means that you want this but you want to change gray color to white?


In previous versions, only a thin vertical line was displayed, the background to the right of it had the editor background color again.



Since QtCreator 9.0.0 it is now possible to switch between a single line and a completely tinted area in the settings via the option 'Tint whole margin area' in the QtCreator settings.

由于QtCreator 9.0.0,现在可以通过QtCreater设置中的“着色整个边缘区域”选项在设置中的单行和完全着色区域之间切换。


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