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Difference between "Red Hat Satellite" and "Red Hat Network Satellite"?(“红帽子卫星”和“红帽子网络卫星”的区别?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-22 15:46:36 25 4
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Im trying to understand what differences are there between this products. Can someone explain me main differences and what is each one's functionality?



They are the same product. During the lifecycle of Satellite 5, the name was modified to go from Red Hat Network Satellite to Red Hat Satellite. So, if you look for documentation for Satellite 5.5. or below it will be listed under Red Hat Network Satellite ( For 5.6 and later it will be listed as Red Hat Satellite (

它们是同一种产品。在卫星5的生命周期中,该名称被修改为从Red Hat Network Satellite改为Red Hat Satellite。因此,如果您查找Satellite 5.5的文档。或在下面,它将被列在Red Hat Network Satellite下(对于5.6及更高版本,它将被列为Red Hat Satellite(

Red hat network sometimes want to say the internal network of red hat for customers


Red Hat Network (abbreviated to RHN) is a family of systems-management services operated by Red Hat. RHN makes updates, patches, and bug fixes of packages included within Red Hat Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux available to subscribers. Other available features include the deployment of custom content to, and the provisioning, configuration, reporting, monitoring of client systems.

Red Hat Network(缩写为RHN)是由Red Hat运营的一系列系统管理服务。RHN向用户提供Red Hat Linux和Red Hat Enterprise Linux中包含的软件包的更新、补丁和错误修复。其他可用功能包括将自定义内容部署到客户端系统,以及对客户端系统进行资源调配、配置、报告和监控。

Users of these operating systems can then invoke the up2date or yum program to download and install updates from RHN. The updates portion of RHN is akin to other types of automatic system maintenance tools such as Microsoft Update for Microsoft Windows operating systems. The system requires a subscription to allow access to updates. (Red Hat's yum and Advanced Packaging Tool repositories provide free access to updates for Fedora systems.)

然后,这些操作系统的用户可以调用或通过yum程序从RHN下载并安装更新。RHN的更新部分类似于其他类型的自动系统维护工具,如用于Microsoft Windows操作系统的Microsoft Update。系统需要订阅才能访问更新。(Red Hat的yum和Advanced Packaging Tool存储库提供了对Fedora系统更新的免费访问。)

On June 18, 2008 Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst announced plans for the RHN Satellite software to be open-sourced following the Fedora/RHEL model.[1] Subsequently, project Spacewalk was launched.

2008年6月18日,Red Hat首席执行官Jim Whitehurst宣布计划将RHN Satellite软件按照Fedora/REL模式开源。[1] 随后,太空行走项目启动。

RHN channels are obsoleted, RH are using CDN channels.
RHUI and Satellite are not same product, RHUI intend to manage subscription to cloud customers it can track machines when they come down. Satellite is to manage the whole RHEL infrastructure in a static manner.



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