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能够对于文字、段落乃至任何元素的精准定位 并做出增删改查,都是在开发一款富文本编辑器时一项最基本也是最重要的功能之一。让我们先来看看Slate中对于如何在文档树中定位元素是怎么定义的 [源码] :

 * The `Location` interface is a union of the ways to refer to a specific
 * location in a Slate document: paths, points or ranges.
 * Methods will often accept a `Location` instead of requiring only a `Path`,
 * `Point` or `Range`. This eliminates the need for developers to manage
 * converting between the different interfaces in their own code base.
export type Location = Path | Point | Range


Location 是一个包含了 Path 、 Point 及 Range 的联合类型,代指了Slate中所有关于“定位”的概念,同时也方便了开发。例如在几乎所有的 Transforms 方法中,都可以通过传递 Location 参数来决定 Transforms 方法需要应用到文档中的哪些位置上 [链接] .

All transforms support a parameter options . This includes options specific to the transform, and general NodeOptions to specify which Nodes in the document that the transform is applied to. 。

                            interface NodeOptions {
  at?: Location
  match?: (node: Node, path: Location) => boolean
  mode?: 'highest' | 'lowest'
  voids?: boolean



Path 是三个中最基本的概念,也是唯一一个不可拓展的类型.

 * `Path` arrays are a list of indexes that describe a node's exact position in
 * a Slate node tree. Although they are usually relative to the root `Editor`
 * object, they can be relative to any `Node` object.
export type Path = number[]


Path 类型就是一个数组,用来表示Slate文档树中自根节点root到指定node的绝对路径。我们以下边的示例来演示下各个node所代表的路径:

                          const initialValue: Descendant[] = [
    // path: [0]
        type: 'paragraph',
        children: [
            { text: 'This is editable ' },		// path: [0, 0]
            { text: 'rich text!', bold: true }	// path: [0, 1]
    // path: [1]
        type: 'paragraph',
        children: [
            { text: 'It\' so cool.' }	// path: [1, 0]


虽然 Path 所代表的路径通常是以顶层 Editor 作为root节点的,但也会有其他情况,比如由 Node 提供的 get 方法中传入的 Path 参数则代表的是相对路径 [源码] :

 * Get the descendant node referred to by a specific path. If the path is an
 * empty array, it refers to the root node itself.
get(root: Node, path: Path): Node {
    let node = root

    for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
        const p = path[i]

        if (Text.isText(node) || !node.children[p]) {
            throw new Error(
                `Cannot find a descendant at path [${path}] in node: ${Scrubber.stringify(

        node = node.children[p]

    return node



Point 是在 Path 的基础上封装而来的概念:

 * `Point` objects refer to a specific location in a text node in a Slate
 * document. Its path refers to the location of the node in the tree, and its
 * offset refers to the distance into the node's string of text. Points can
 * only refer to `Text` nodes.
export interface BasePoint {
  path: Path
  offset: number

export type Point = ExtendedType<'Point', BasePoint>


用于定位单个字符在文档中的位置;先用 Path 定位到字符所属的 Node ,再根据 offset 字段信息精确到字符是在该 Node 的 text 文本中的偏移量.

我们仍然以前面的示例做说明,如果想要将光标位置定位到第一句话"This is editable rich text!"的感叹号之后,其 Point 值为:

                          const initialValue: Descendant[] = [
    // path: [0]
        type: 'paragraph',
        children: [
            { text: 'This is editable ' },		// path: [0, 0]
            { text: 'rich text!', bold: true }	// { path: [0, 1], offset: 10 }
    // path: [1]
        type: 'paragraph',
        children: [
            { text: 'It\' so cool.' }	// path: [1, 0]



最后一个 Range 则是再在 Point 基础上延伸封装而来的概念:

 * `Range` objects are a set of points that refer to a specific span of a Slate
 * document. They can define a span inside a single node or a can span across
 * multiple nodes.
export interface BaseRange {
  anchor: Point
  focus: Point

export type Range = ExtendedType<'Range', BaseRange>


它代表的是一段文本的集合;包含有两个 Point 类型的字段 anchor 和 focus 。看到这,应该能发现Slate中 Range 的概念其实与DOM中的 Selection 对象是一样的, anchor 和 focus 分别对应原生 Selection 中的锚点 anchorNode 和焦点 focusNode ;这正是Slate对于原生 Selection 做的抽象,使之在自身API中更方便地通过光标选区来获取文档树中的内容.

我们在上一篇文章中有提到过的 Editor.selection 是一个 Selections 类型,其本身就是一个 Range 类型,专门用来指定编辑区域中的光标位置 [源码] :

                          export type BaseSelection = Range | null

export type Selection = ExtendedType<'Selection', BaseSelection>



当我们需要长期追踪某些 Node 时,可以通过获取对应 Node 的 Path / Point / Range 值并保存下来以达到目的。但这种方式存在的问题是,在Slate文档树经过 insert 、 remove 等操作后,原先的 Path / Point / Range 可能会产生变动或者直接作废掉.

Refs 的出现就是为了解决上述问题.

三者的 ref 的定义分别在 slate/src/interfaces/ 下的 path-ref.ts 、 point-ref.ts 和 range-ref.ts 文件中:

 * `PathRef` objects keep a specific path in a document synced over time as new
 * operations are applied to the editor. You can access their `current` property
 * at any time for the up-to-date path value.
export interface PathRef {
  current: Path | null
  affinity: 'forward' | 'backward' | null
  unref(): Path | null

 * `PointRef` objects keep a specific point in a document synced over time as new
 * operations are applied to the editor. You can access their `current` property
 * at any time for the up-to-date point value.
export interface PointRef {
  current: Point | null
  affinity: TextDirection | null
  unref(): Point | null

 * `RangeRef` objects keep a specific range in a document synced over time as new
 * operations are applied to the editor. You can access their `current` property
 * at any time for the up-to-date range value.
export interface RangeRef {
  current: Range | null
  affinity: 'forward' | 'backward' | 'outward' | 'inward' | null
  unref(): Range | null



  • current:同 React ref 用法一样,用current字段存储最新值
  • affinity:当前定位所代表的节点 在文档树变动时如果受到影响的话,所采取的调整策略
  • unref:卸载方法;彻底删除当前的ref确保能够被引擎GC掉

另外我们先来看下各种 Refs 在 Slate 存储的方式,跳到 slate/src/utils/weak-maps.ts 中 [源码] :

                          export const PATH_REFS: WeakMap<Editor, Set<PathRef>> = new WeakMap()
export const POINT_REFS: WeakMap<Editor, Set<PointRef>> = new WeakMap()
export const RANGE_REFS: WeakMap<Editor, Set<RangeRef>> = new WeakMap()


可以看到 Refs 的存储区在一个 Set 数据结构中的;而对于不同 Editor 下 Set<xxxRef> 的存储则是放在哈希表 WeakMap 中的,使其不会影响到GC( WeakMap 同Map原理一样,都是ES6之后新出的哈希数据结构,与Map不同点在于其持有的引用算作弱引用).

生成三种 Ref 以及获取相应 Refs 的方法定义在 EditorInterface 接口上 [源码] :

                          export interface EditorInterface {
    // ...
    pathRef: (
    	editor: Editor,
    	path: Path,
    	options?: EditorPathRefOptions
  	) => PathRef
    pointRef: (
    	editor: Editor,
    	point: Point,
    	options?: EditorPointRefOptions
  	) => PointRef
    rangeRef: (
    	editor: Editor,
    	range: Range,
    	options?: EditorRangeRefOptions
  	) => RangeRef
    pathRefs: (editor: Editor) => Set<PathRef>
    pointRefs: (editor: Editor) => Set<PointRef>
    rangeRefs: (editor: Editor) => Set<RangeRef>


Path 、 Point 及 Range 三者的实现逻辑都差不多,下面就以 Path 为例作介绍.

pathRef :

   * Create a mutable ref for a `Point` object, which will stay in sync as new
   * operations are applied to the editor.
    editor: Editor,
    point: Point,
    options: EditorPointRefOptions = {}
  ): PointRef {
    const { affinity = 'forward' } = options
    const ref: PointRef = {
      current: point,
      unref() {
        const { current } = ref
        const pointRefs = Editor.pointRefs(editor)
        ref.current = null
        return current

    const refs = Editor.pointRefs(editor)
    return ref


实现逻辑非常简单,就是根据传入的参数放入 ref 对象中,并添加卸载方法 unref 。然后通过 pathRefs 拿到对应的 Set ,讲当前的 ref 对象添加进去。 unref 方法中实现的则是相反的操作:通过 pathRefs 拿到对应的 Set 后,将当前 ref 对象移除掉,然后再把 ref.current 的值置空.

pathRefs :

   * Get the set of currently tracked path refs of the editor.
  pathRefs(editor: Editor): Set<PathRef> {
    let refs = PATH_REFS.get(editor)

    if (!refs) {
      refs = new Set()
      PATH_REFS.set(editor, refs)

    return refs


代码非常简短,类似懒加载的方式做 Set 的初始化,然后调用 get 方法获取集合后返回.


前一篇文章我们提到过,用于修改内容的单个 Transform 方法会包含有多个 Operation ; Operation 则是 Slate 中的原子化操作。而在 Slate 文档树更新之后,解决 Ref 同步更新的方式就是:在执行了任意 Operation 之后,对所有的 Ref 根据执行的 Operation 类型做相应的调整.

看到create-editor.ts中的 apply 方法,该方法是所有 Operation 执行的入口 [源码] :

                          apply: (op: Operation) => {
    for (const ref of Editor.pathRefs(editor)) {
        PathRef.transform(ref, op)

    for (const ref of Editor.pointRefs(editor)) {
        PointRef.transform(ref, op)

    for (const ref of Editor.rangeRefs(editor)) {
        RangeRef.transform(ref, op)
    // ...


在 apply 方法的最开头就是三组 for of 循环,对所有的 Ref 执行对应的 Ref.transform 方法并传入当前执行的 Operation .

同样以 Path 为例,看下 path-ref.ts 中的 PathRef.transform 方法 [源码] :

                          export const PathRef: PathRefInterface = {
   * Transform the path ref's current value by an operation.
  transform(ref: PathRef, op: Operation): void {
    const { current, affinity } = ref

    if (current == null) {

    const path = Path.transform(current, op, { affinity })
    ref.current = path

    if (path == null) {


将当前 ref 中的数据和 Operation 作为参数,传递给对应的 Path.transform ,返回更新后的 path 值并赋值给 ref.current 。如果 path 为空,则说明当前 ref 指代的位置已经失效,调用卸载方法 unref .

至于 Path.transform 的细节在本篇就不展开了,我们留到后续的 Transform 篇再统一讲解: ) 。

最后此篇关于slate源码解析(三)-定位的文章就讲到这里了,如果你想了解更多关于slate源码解析(三)-定位的内容请搜索CFSDN的文章或继续浏览相关文章,希望大家以后支持我的博客! 。

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