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- 自动注册实体类到EntityFrameworkCore上下文,并适配ABP及ABPVNext
- 基于Sklearn机器学习代码实战
if torch.onnx.is_in_onnx_export(): for i in range(self.nl): # 分别对三个输出层处理 x[i] = self.m[i](x[i]) # conv bs, _, ny, nx = x[i].shape # x(bs, 255 , 20 , 20 ) to x(bs, 3 , 20 , 20 , 85 ) x[i] = x[i].view(bs, self.na, self.no, ny, nx).permute( 0 , 1 , 3 , 4 , 2 ).contiguous() y = x[i].sigmoid() z.append(y.view(bs, - 1 , self.no)) return torch.cat(z, 1 )
在export.py里,自定义了一个导出onnx文件的函数,代码片段如下 。
def my_export_onnx(model, im, file, opset, train, dynamic, simplify, prefix=colorstr( ' ONNX: ' )): print( ' anchors: ' , model.yaml[ ' anchors ' ]) # wtxt = open( ' class.names ' , ' w ' ) # for name in model.names: # wtxt.write(name + ' \n ' ) # wtxt.close() # YOLOv5 ONNX export print(im.shape) if not dynamic: f = os.path.splitext(file)[ 0 ] + ' .onnx ' torch.onnx.export(model, im, f, verbose =False, opset_version= 12 , input_names=[ ' images ' ], output_names=[ ' output ' ]) else : f = os.path.splitext(file)[ 0 ] + ' _dynamic.onnx ' torch.onnx.export(model, im, f, verbose =False, opset_version= 12 , input_names=[ ' images ' ], output_names =[ ' output ' ], dynamic_axes={ ' images ' : { 0 : ' batch ' , 2 : ' height ' , 3 : ' width ' }, # shape( 1 , 3 , 640 , 640 ) ' output ' : { 0 : ' batch ' , 1 : ' anchors ' } # shape( 1 , 25200 , 85 ) }) try : import cv2 net = cv2.dnn.readNet(f) except: exit(f ' export {f} failed ' ) exit(f ' export {f} sucess ' )
python export.py --weights=yolov5s.pt --include=onnx --imgsz= 640 python export.py --weights=yolov5s6.pt --include=onnx --imgsz= 1280
<annotation verified= " yes " > <folder>hsrc</folder> <filename> 100000001 </filename> <path>/Users/haoyou/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/OneDrive/hsrc/ 100000001 .bmp</path> <source> <database>Unknown</database> </source> <size> <width> 1166 </width> <height> 753 </height> <depth> 3 </depth> </size> <segmented> 0 </segmented> < object > <type>bndbox</type> <name>ship</name> <pose>Unspecified</pose> <truncated> 0 </truncated> <difficult> 0 </difficult> <bndbox> <xmin> 178 </xmin> <ymin> 246 </ymin> <xmax> 974 </xmax> <ymax> 504 </ymax> </bndbox> </ object > < object > <type>robndbox</type> <name>ship</name> <pose>Unspecified</pose> <truncated> 0 </truncated> <difficult> 0 </difficult> <robndbox> <cx> 580.7887 </cx> <cy> 343.2913 </cy> <w> 775.0449 </w> <h> 170.2159 </h> <angle> 2.889813 </angle> </robndbox> </ object > </annotation>
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace ConsoleApp1 { [XmlRoot( " annotation " )] public class AnnotationHead { public string folder; public string filename; public string path; public Source source; public Size size; public string segmented; } public class Size { public string width; public string height; public string depth; } public class Source { public string database; } [XmlRoot( " object " )] public class @object { public string type; public string name; public string pose; public string truncated; public string difficult; public robndClass robndbox; } public class robndClass { public float cx; public float cy; public float w; public float h; public float angle; } public class Test { public static void Main() { // 输出规则 XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true ; settings.IndentChars = " " ; settings.NewLineChars = " \r\n " ; settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true ; // 不生成声明头 XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); namespaces.Add( string .Empty, string .Empty); // 输出对象 FileStream stream = new FileStream( " part1.xml " , FileMode.Create); //////////////////////// /Part1 ///////////////////////////////// // AnnotationHead an = new AnnotationHead(); an.folder = " sandbox " ; an.filename = " 2022-10-29 15-19-25 " ; an.path = " F:/sandbox/2022-10-29 15-19-25.png " ; Source source = new Source(); source.database = " Unknown " ; an.source = source; Size size = new Size(); size.width = " 1873 " ; size.height = " 935 " ; size.depth = " 3 " ; an.size = size; an.segmented = " 0 " ; // 实施输出 XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stream, settings); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof (AnnotationHead)); serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, an, namespaces); // 目标销毁 xmlWriter.Close(); stream.Close(); //////////////////////// /Part2 ///////////////////////////////// // stream = new FileStream( " part2.xml " , FileMode.Create); // 定义方法 robndClass il = new robndClass(); il.cx = ( float ) 1484.1 ; il.cy = ( float ) 521.7274 ; il.w = ( float ) 40.1731 ; il.h = ( float ) 194.3416 ; il.angle = ( float ) 0.18 ; @object o = new @object(); o.type = " robndbox " ; o.name = " ship " ; o.pose = " Unspecified " ; o.truncated = " 0 " ; o.difficult = " 0 " ; o.robndbox = il; List <@object> objectList = new List<@object> (); objectList.Add(o); objectList.Add(o); objectList.Add(o); serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof (List<@object> )); XmlWriter xmlWriter2 = XmlWriter.Create(stream, settings); serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter2, objectList, namespaces); xmlWriter2.Close(); stream.Close(); /////////////////////////// merge ////////////////////////////////////////// StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( " part1.xml " ); string strPart1 = sr.ReadToEnd(); strPart1 = strPart1.Substring( 0 , strPart1.Length - 13 ); sr.Close(); sr = new StreamReader( " part2.xml " ); string strPart2 = sr.ReadToEnd(); strPart2 = strPart2.Substring( 15 , strPart2.Length - 31 ); sr.Close(); string strOut = strPart1 + strPart2 + " </annotation> " ; /////////////////////////// /输出 /////////////////////////////////////// using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( " result.xml " )) { sw.Write(strOut); } } } }
public static void Main() { AnnotationHead an = new AnnotationHead(); an.folder = " sandbox " ; an.filename = " 2022-10-29 15-19-25 " ; an.path = " F:/sandbox/2022-10-29 15-19-25.png " ; Source source = new Source(); source.database = " Unknown " ; an.source = source; Size size = new Size(); size.width = " 18443 " ; size.height = " 935 " ; size.depth = " 3 " ; an.size = size; an.segmented = " 0 " ; robndClass il = new robndClass(); il.cx = ( float ) 1484.1 ; il.cy = ( float ) 521.7274 ; il.w = ( float ) 40.1731 ; il.h = ( float ) 194.3416 ; il.angle = ( float ) 0.18 ; @object o = new @object(); o.type = " robndbox " ; o.name = " ship " ; o.pose = " Unspecified " ; o.truncated = " 0 " ; o.difficult = " 0 " ; o.robndbox = il; List <@object> objectList = new List<@object> (); objectList.Add(o); objectList.Add(o); objectList.Add(o); objectList.Add(o); objectList.Add(o); AnnotationClass ac = new AnnotationClass(an,objectList, " r2.xml " ); ac.action(); } } using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.IO; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace ConsoleApp1 { [XmlRoot( " annotation " )] public class AnnotationHead { public string folder; public string filename; public string path; public Source source; public Size size; public string segmented; } public class Size { public string width; public string height; public string depth; } public class Source { public string database; } [XmlRoot( " object " )] public class @object { public string type; public string name; public string pose; public string truncated; public string difficult; public robndClass robndbox; } public class robndClass { public float cx; public float cy; public float w; public float h; public float angle; } class AnnotationClass { private string strOutName; // 输出文件名称 private AnnotationHead an; private List<@object> objectList; // 构造函数 public AnnotationClass(AnnotationHead annotatonHead, List<@object> olist, string strName = " result.xml " ) { an = annotatonHead; strOutName = strName; objectList = olist; } public void action() { // 输出规则 XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true ; settings.IndentChars = " " ; settings.NewLineChars = " \r\n " ; settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true ; // 不生成声明头 XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); namespaces.Add( string .Empty, string .Empty); // 输出对象 FileStream stream = new FileStream( " part1.xml " , FileMode.Create); //////////////////////// /Part1 ///////////////////////////////// // // 实施输出 XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stream, settings); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof (AnnotationHead)); serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, an, namespaces); // 目标销毁 xmlWriter.Close(); stream.Close(); //////////////////////// /Part2 ///////////////////////////////// // stream = new FileStream( " part2.xml " , FileMode.Create); // 定义方法 serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof (List<@object> )); XmlWriter xmlWriter2 = XmlWriter.Create(stream, settings); serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter2, objectList, namespaces); xmlWriter2.Close(); stream.Close(); /////////////////////////// merge ////////////////////////////////////////// StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( " part1.xml " ); string strPart1 = sr.ReadToEnd(); strPart1 = strPart1.Substring( 0 , strPart1.Length - 13 ); sr.Close(); sr = new StreamReader( " part2.xml " ); string strPart2 = sr.ReadToEnd(); strPart2 = strPart2.Substring( 15 , strPart2.Length - 31 ); sr.Close(); string strOut = strPart1 + strPart2 + " </annotation> " ; /////////////////////////// /输出 /////////////////////////////////////// using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strOutName)) { sw.Write(strOut); } } } }
路径下的 split_configs/dota1_0/ss_train.json
文件。 根据需求更改参数。更改 BboxToolkit/BboxToolkit/datasets/misc.py
文件中的dota1_0中的类别 现在有xywhθ标注的数据集,要转换成dota标注的格式 。
import math import shutil import os import numpy as np import xml.etree.ElementTree as et dataset_dir = r ' D:\dataset\sar\RSDD\RSDD-SAR\JPEGImages ' ana_dir = r ' D:\dataset\sar\RSDD\RSDD-SAR\Annotations ' save_dir = r ' D:\dataset\sar\RSDD\dota ' data_type = ' test ' train_img_dir = r ' D:\dataset\sar\RSDD\RSDD-SAR\ImageSets\test.txt ' f1 = open(train_img_dir, ' r ' ) train_img = f1.readlines() def rota(center_x1, center_y1, x, y, w, h, a): # 旋转中心点,旋转中心点,框的w,h,旋转角 # a = (math.pi * a) / 180 # 角度转弧度 x1, y1 = x - w / 2 , y - h / 2 # 旋转前左上 x2, y2 = x + w / 2 , y - h / 2 # 旋转前右上 x3, y3 = x + w / 2 , y + h / 2 # 旋转前右下 x4, y4 = x - w / 2 , y + h / 2 # 旋转前左下 px1 = (x1 - center_x1) * math.cos(a) - (y1 - center_y1) * math.sin(a) + center_x1 # 旋转后左上 py1 = (x1 - center_x1) * math.sin(a) + (y1 - center_y1) * math.cos(a) + center_y1 px2 = (x2 - center_x1) * math.cos(a) - (y2 - center_y1) * math.sin(a) + center_x1 # 旋转后右上 py2 = (x2 - center_x1) * math.sin(a) + (y2 - center_y1) * math.cos(a) + center_y1 px3 = (x3 - center_x1) * math.cos(a) - (y3 - center_y1) * math.sin(a) + center_x1 # 旋转后右下 py3 = (x3 - center_x1) * math.sin(a) + (y3 - center_y1) * math.cos(a) + center_y1 px4 = (x4 - center_x1) * math.cos(a) - (y4 - center_y1) * math.sin(a) + center_x1 # 旋转后左下 py4 = (x4 - center_x1) * math.sin(a) + (y4 - center_y1) * math.cos(a) + center_y1 return px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3, px4, py4 # 旋转后的四个点,左上,右上,右下,左下 for img in train_img: shutil.copy(os.path.join(dataset_dir, img[: - 1 ] + ' .jpg ' ), os.path.join(save_dir, data_type, ' images ' , img[:- 1 ] + ' .jpg ' )) xml_file = open(os.path.join(ana_dir, img[:- 1 ] + ' .xml ' ), encoding= ' utf-8 ' ) tree = et.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() with open(os.path.join(save_dir, data_type, ' labelTxt ' , img[:- 1 ] + ' .txt ' ), ' w ' ) as f: f.write( ' imagesource:GoogleEarth\ngsd:NaN\n ' ) for obj in root.iter( ' object ' ): cls = obj.find( ' name ' ).text box = obj.find( ' robndbox ' ) x_c = box.find( ' cx ' ).text y_c = box.find( ' cy ' ).text h = box.find( ' h ' ).text w = box.find( ' w ' ).text theta = box.find( ' angle ' ).text box = list(map(np.float16, [x_c, y_c, h, w, theta])) box = rota(box[ 0 ], box[ 1 ], * box) box = list(map( int , box)) box = list(map(str, box)) f.write( ' ' .join(box)) f.write( ' ' + cls + ' 0\n ' )
最后此篇关于遥感图像识别(标注)软件实现的文章就讲到这里了,如果你想了解更多关于遥感图像识别(标注)软件实现的内容请搜索CFSDN的文章或继续浏览相关文章,希望大家以后支持我的博客! 。
我使用的是linux的windows子系统,安装了ubuntu,bash运行流畅。 我正在尝试使用make,似乎bash 无法识别gcc。尝试将其添加到 PATH,但没有任何改变。奇怪的是 - cmd
ImageMagick 已正确安装。 WAMP 的“PHP 扩展”菜单也显示带有勾选的 php_imagick。除了 Apache 和系统环境变量外,phpinfo() 没有显示任何 imagick
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