- Java锁的逻辑(结合对象头和ObjectMonitor)
- 还在用饼状图?来瞧瞧这些炫酷的百分比可视化新图形(附代码实现)⛵
- 自动注册实体类到EntityFrameworkCore上下文,并适配ABP及ABPVNext
- 基于Sklearn机器学习代码实战
tensor = torch.tensor([1,2,3
= tensor.numpy()
// 方式一:arraySync() let tensor = tf.tensor1d([1,2,3 ]); let array = tensor.arraySync(); console.log(array); // [1,2,3] // 方式二:在async函数体内操作 async function fun() { let tensor = tf.tensor1d([1,2,3 ]); let array = await tensor.array(); console.log(array); // [1,2,3] } fun(); // 注意,下面的写法是不行的,因为async函数的返回值是Promise对象 array = async function (){ return await tensor.array(); }(); console.log(array); // Promise object // 方式三:用then取出async函数返回Promise对象中的值 let a (async function () { let array = await tensor.array(); return array })().then(data => {a = data;}) console.log(a); // [1,2,3]
tensor = torch.tensor([1,2,3 ]) print (tensor[0]) print (tensor[-1])
const tensor = tf.tensor1d([1,2,3 ]); const array = tensor.arraySync(); console.log(array[ 0 ]);
console.log(array[array.length - 1]);
actions = { ' up ' :[1,0,0,0], ' down ' :[0,1,0,0], ' left ' :[0,0,1,0], ' right ' :[0,0,0,1 ]} actions_keys_list = list(actions.keys())
const actions = {'up':[1,0,0,0], 'down':[0,1,0,0], 'left':[0,0,1,0], 'right':[0,0,0,1
const actionsKeysArray
= Object.keys(actions);
memory = [1,2,3 ] memory.append( 4) # 入栈 memory.pop(0) # 出栈
let memory = [1,2,3 ]; memory.push( 4); // 入栈 memory.splice(0,1); // 出栈
memory = [1,2,3 ] memory.append( 4) # 入栈 memory.pop() # 出栈
let memory = [1,2,3 ]; memory.push( 4); // 入栈 memory.pop(); // 出栈
actions = [ ' up ' , ' down ' , ' left ' , ' right ' ] prob = [0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1 ] sample_action = np.random.choice(actions, p=prob))
const actions = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right' ]; const prob = [0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1 ]; sampleActionIndex = tf.multinomial(prob, 1, null , true ).arraySync(); // tf.Tensor 不能作为索引,需要用 arraySync() 同步地传输为 array sampleAction = actions[sampleActionIndex];
actions = [ ' up ' , ' down ' , ' left ' , ' right ' ] prob = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1 ] prob_tensor = torch.tensor(prob) action_max_prob = actions[np.array(prob).argmax()] # np.array 可以作为索引 action_max_prob = actions[prob_tensor.argmax().numpy()] # torch.tensor 不能作为索引,需要转换为 np.array
const actions = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right' ]; const prob = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1 ]; const probTensor = tf.tensor1d(prob); const actionsMaxProb = actions[probTensor.argmax().arraySync()]; // tf.Tensor 不能作为索引,需要用 arraySync()同步地传输为 array
range_list = list(range(1,10,1))
const rangeArray = tf.range(1, 10, 1).arraySync();
actions = [ ' up ' , ' down ' , ' left ' , ' right ' ] print (random.shuffle(actions))
const actions = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'];
(2)用 tf.data.shuffle 操作,不建议,该类及其方法一般仅与 神经网络模型更新 绑定使用.
import numpy as np import torch from torch import nn import random class Memory(object): # 向Memory输送的数据可以是list,也可以是np.array def __init__ (self, size=100, batch_size=32 ): self.memory_size = size self.batch_size = batch_size self.main = [] def save(self, data): if len(self.main) == self.memory_size: self.main.pop(0) self.main.append(data) def sample(self): samples = random.sample(self.main, self.batch_size) return map(np.array, zip(* samples)) class Model(object): # Model中所有方法的输入和返回都是np.array def __init__ (self, lr=0.01, device= None): self.LR = lr self.device = torch.device( " cuda:0 " if torch.cuda.is_available() else " cpu " ) # 调用GPU 若无则CPU self.network = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear( 10, 32 ), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear( 32, 5 ), nn.Softmax(dim =1 )).to(self.device) self.loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction= ' mean ' ) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.network.parameters(), lr= self.LR) def predict_nograd(self, _input): with torch.no_grad(): _input = np.expand_dims(_input, axis= 0) _input = torch.from_numpy(_input).float().to(self.device) _output = self.network(_input).cpu().numpy() _output = np.squeeze(_output) return _output def update(self, input_batch, target_batch): # 设置为训练模式 self.network.train() _input_batch = torch.from_numpy(input_batch).float().to(self.device) _target_batch = torch.from_numpy(target_batch).float().to(self.device) self.optimizer.zero_grad() _evaluate_batch = self.network(_input_batch) batch_loss = self.loss(_evaluate_batch, _target_batch) batch_loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() batch_loss = batch_loss.item() # 设置为预测模式 self.network.eval() if __name__ == ' __main__ ' : memory = Memory() model = Model() # 产生数据并输送到内存中 # 假设一个5分类问题 for i in range(memory.memory_size): example = np.random.randint(0,2,size=10 ) label = np.eye(5)[np.random.randint(0,5 )] data = [example, label] memory.save(data) # 训练100次,每次从内存中随机抽取一个batch的数据 for i in range(100 ): input_batch, target_batch = memory.sample() model.update(input_batch, target_batch) # 预测 prediction = model.predict_nograd(np.random.randint(0,2,size=10 )) print (prediction)
const Memory = { memorySize : 100 , main : [], saveData : function (data) { // data = [input:array, label:array] if ( this .main.length == this .memorySize) { this .main.splice(0,1 ); } this .main.push(data); }, getMemoryTensor: function () { let inputArray = [], labelArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < this .main.length; i++ ) { inputArray.push( this .main[i][0 ]) labelArray.push( this .main[i][1 ]) } return { inputBatch: tf.tensor2d(inputArray), labelBatch: tf.tensor2d(labelArray) } } } const Model = { batchSize: 32 , epoch: 200 , network: tf.sequential({ layers: [ tf.layers.dense({inputShape: [ 10], units: 16, activation: 'relu' }), tf.layers.dense({units: 5, activation: 'softmax' }), ] }), compile: function () { this .network.compile({ optimizer: tf.train.sgd( 0.1 ), shuffle: true , loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy' , metrics: [ 'accuracy' ] }); }, predict: function (input) { // input = array // Return tensor1d return this .network.predict(tf.tensor2d([input])).squeeze(); }, update: async function (inputBatch, labelBatch) { // inputBatch = tf.tensor2d(memorySize × 10) // labelBatch = tf.tensor2d(memorySize × 5) this .compile(); await this .network.fit(inputBatch, labelBatch, { epochs: this .epoch, batchSize: this .batchSize }).then(info => { console.log( 'Final accuracy' , info.history.acc); }); } } // 假设一个5分类问题 // 随机生成样例和标签,并填满内存 let example, label, rnd, data; for (let i = 0; i < Memory.memorySize; i++ ) { example = tf.multinomial(tf.tensor1d([.5, .5]), 10 ).arraySync(); rnd = Math.floor(Math.random()*5 ); label = tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d([rnd], 'int32'), 5 ).squeeze().arraySync(); data = [example, label]; Memory.saveData(data); } // 将内存中储存的数据导出为tensor,并训练模型 let {inputBatch, labelBatch} = Memory.getMemoryTensor(); Model.update(inputBatch, labelBatch);
最后此篇关于从Numpy+Pytorch到TensorFlowJS:总结和常用平替整理的文章就讲到这里了,如果你想了解更多关于从Numpy+Pytorch到TensorFlowJS:总结和常用平替整理的内容请搜索CFSDN的文章或继续浏览相关文章,希望大家以后支持我的博客! 。
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